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Department of Communication

Survey Research Page


My name is Bradley Adame and I am a graduate student in the Department of Communication at the University of the Oklahoma. My associates Dr Claude Miller of the University of Oklahoma and Dr. Scott Moore of The California State University, Fresno and I are requesting you volunteer to participate in a research study concerning disaster preparedness, titled: Online Preparedness Study. This research is part of an ongoing study. You were selected as a possible participant because you are a member of our research subject pool. Please read this information sheet and contact the researchers if you have any questions before agreeing to take part in this study.

Purpose of the Research Study
The purpose of this study is to examine people’s perceptions of disaster preparedness. If you so choose, you will be one of about 500 people across five different universities volunteering to participate in a study dealing with the way people process messages.

If you agree to be in this study, you will be asked to do the following things: read brief instructions and then respond to a series of questionnaires about how you would feel in certain situations. The research procedure is being conducted online. You will visit a web site once during the study. The visit will take about 20 minutes.

Note: There are no right or wrong answers, we ask only that your responses are honest and truthful.

Alternative Procedures
If you would prefer not to participate in this research, you may have the option of a non-research assignment. Check with your class instructor for details.

Risks and Benefits of Being in the Study
The study has the following risks: There should be no tangible short-or long-term psychological risks.

The benefits to participation are: Although there may be no direct benefits, your participation may help researchers better understand how messages may influence others or create resistance to influence in others.

You will be reimbursed for your participation in this study with extra credit in the eligible course designated. Credits may be obtained only after you complete the online questionnaire. The amount of credit to be awarded will be determined by your course instructor.

Voluntary Nature of the Study
Participation in this study is voluntary. Your decision whether or not to participate will not result in penalty or loss of benefits to which you are otherwise entitled. If you decide to participate, you are free not to answer any question or discontinue participation at any time without penalty or loss of benefits to which you are otherwise entitled.

If you choose to stop at any time during the study, you will still maintain the benefits and rights you had before volunteering. Note however, you must participate in all of this study to receive any credit.

Length of Participation
The survey should take about 20 minutes once the study is begun; it is not anticipated your participation will be terminated without your consent.

The records of this study will be kept private and your supervisor will not have access to your responses. Research records will be stored securely in a password-protected directory on the Principle Investigator's office computer hard drive. Only approved researchers will have access to the records. In published reports, there will be no information included that will make it possible to identify you as a research participant.

Note: We will make every effort to maintain confidentiality. Once your designated course instructor has been notified of your participation, your name and e-mail address will be erased from our files precluding any link between your identity and any of the data obtained in any phase of this study.

Contacts and Questions for CSUF participants

If you have concerns or complaints about the research or any of the researchers conducting this study, Bradley Adame can be contacted at or Dr Claude Miller can be contacted at (405) 325-0861; In the event of a research-related injury, contact the researcher(s). You are encouraged to contact the researcher(s) if you have any questions. If you have any questions, concerns, or complaints about the research and wish to talk to someone other than the individuals on the research team, or if you cannot reach the research team, you may contact the University of Oklahoma ñ Norman Campus Institutional Review Board (OU-NC IRB) at (405) 325-8110 or

If you have concerns or complaints about the research or any of the researchers conducting this study, Dr Scott Moore can be contacted at (559) 279 - 3010 or

Please feel free to print this information for your records.

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