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Media, Communications and Journalism

96 Years of Teaching and Learning

Since 1928, the Media, Communications and Journalism Department has prepared thousands of students for professional media careers. The department currently offers courses in advertising, broadcast journalism, film, photography, digital journalism, public relations and video production.

A professor works at a computer in a television control room.

MCJ Faculty

Our faculty have years of industry experience and will help you find the depths of your creativity, encourage your growth and foster your inspiration for life.

Faculty Directory

Reporter works on her laptop in her car.

Is MCJ right for you?

There are two entities at Fresno State: the Department of Media, Communications and Journalism (MCJ) and the Department of Communication. 

Find your path

TALK PR Class gives their final project presentation to their clients.

Degree and options

Our bachelor degree program offers four options in advertising and public relations, broadcast and multiplatform journalism, digital journalism, and film and media arts.

Explore MCJ

Mission Statement

We teach students the importance and value of media, communications and journalism, and why, where, when and how to communicate ethically and responsibly in those fields. Through blending theory, professional practice and hands-on learning, we build leaders who can think critically, write well and thrive in rapidly changing environments.

Our Vision  

Media, Communications and Journalism strives to be a national academic leader by designing student experiences that create a thriving environment. We work to foster growth, excellence and collaboration through deliberate practice, multiple layers of feedback, and structured reflection with an emphasis on civic and community engagement that enhances life. We aim to celebrate mutual respect, inclusion and diversity as essential pieces of success in the classroom, our professions and as productive global citizens.  

How to Give Online

Click on the Give Now button to go to the university's secure, online donation form.

Enter the desired amount, then check "Other" and write in "Department of Media, Communications and Journalism."

We appreciate your continued support.

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