Cognitive Science
An Example Program
At the bottom is a link to an Adobe PDF file which is the "program example."
For all intensive purposes: This example is NOT meant to be taken as the only path to a Cognitive Science degree. It is only an example of how to lay-out your own degree roadmap, based on your own interests and education.
There are a couple of school websites and resources everyone should be made aware of:
- Office of Advising Services - 2nd floor of the Joyal Admnistration building, across from the Financial Aid Office.
- Use your advisors, for GE and beyond (make freiens of them).
- GENERAL EDUCATION FLOW-CHART! (PDF) to help in mapping out GE courses.
- After you move on from GE towards your major, you should have a Major Department advisor whom you should check in with on a regular basis.
- Make friends of these people two; they might be your peers someday.
- FOUR YEAR DEGREE ROADMAP! - Currently setup for most majors, to assist in creating a roadmap (as is the document attached at the end).
- UNIVERSITY CATALOG - consult it often, like an oracle, it's like a library for your education
- CLASS SCHEDULE(s)! - Can you believe all of this stuff is online, free, at your disposal ?!?!?!
- Class Schedule Planner - available via direct link, or more commonly through