Department of Communication
News Archive
News from 2011 and Years Prior
August 2011:The Department of Communication is pleased to announce that the Forensic program is back! Dr. Kevin Kuswa is the new Director of Forensics. He brings outstanding experience as a debater and coach, having himself won the National Debate Tournament (NDT) for Georgetown University in 1992, assistant coached Dartmouth to win the NDT in 1993, assistant coached the University of Texas to 3rd place at the NDT in 1995 and 2000, and most recently directed the debate team at the University of Richmond to qualify for the NDT seven times. His debate experience stretches beyond competitive debate, as he founded an urban high school debate league while completing his Ph.D. at the University of Texas, and his debaters at Richmond have a history of success in public debate as well. Prospective students may enroll in debate this fall.
May 2011: Come meet Dr. Kevin Kuswa, our new Debate Coach! Sunday May 15th from 2-4pm in Music 160
April 2011: Congratulations to graduate students Clare Anzoleaga, Stacia Swan, Neeley Hatridge, and David Horwitz, who presented their work at the 2011 Graduate Research Symposium! The Symposium was held in the Library on Thursday, May 5, 2011.
April 2011: Revised - The application deadline to the Department of Communication Graduate Program has been moved to May 1, 2011. Admission information
March 2011: Graduate Students are no longer eligible to enroll in 0 units and must maintain continuous enrollment.
March 2011: Congratulations to Dr. Marnel Niles , whose edited volume Still Searching for Our Mothers’ Gardens: Experiences of New, Tenure-Track Women of Color at ‘Majority’ Institutions is to be published by University Press of America in August.
March 2011: It's time for the Peach Blossom Oral Interpretation Festival! Peach Blossom is scheduled for Thursday, March 17th & Friday, March 18th. More information.
February 2011: President Welty and Provost Covino have invited the following students into the University's recognized honor society, Phi Kappa Phi . Phi Kappa Phi is the nation's oldest, largest and most selective honor society, open to students of all academic disciplines. Membership in Phi Kappa Phi recognizes Junior standing students in the top 7.5% and Senior and Graduate Students in the top 10% of their graduating classes: Juniors: Cecilia Agraz, Rachel Dennler, and Carmen Sanjurjo. Seniors Elizabeth Goddard, Stephanie Hartzell, Chantal Skinner, and Jeannette Vazquez. Graduate Student: Ersilia Lacaze. Also, our student assistant Abigail Paxton (English) was nominated. Congratulations!
February 2011: Congratulations to Julissa González for being recognized as having the Top Debut Student Paper for the Performance Studies Interest Group at WSCA. Her paper is titled: “First Generation Latina identity: Communicative and performative issues of assimilation.”
December 2010: The Department congratulates two of our current graduate students, Jonathan Hernandez and Julissa Gonzalez, who had papers accepted for presentation at the 2011 WSCA Convention in February. In addition, 2010 master's graduate, Hagar Attia, will be presenting.
December 2010: The Department extends its heartfelt congratulations to Professor Emeritus John Cagle who has retired from California State University, Fresno.
October 2010: Pictures from the Department Centennial Celebration are available on our Galleries Page.
October 2010: The Department of Communication was privledged to enjoy a visit from Dr. John Hammerback who opened the Cesar Chavez exhibit in the Library.
September 2010: A new Internship Package (MS Word File), including editable forms is available. More information.
September 2010:The Division of Graduate Studies has reinstated September 30th application deadline for Spring 2011 admissions. Note, this deadline is independent of the Department of Communication Program application. Please contact Dr. Marnel Niles for additional information.
September 2010: Dr. Scott Moore [BROKEN LINK] has been named the Dr. T.W. Adams Distinguished Alumni Lecturer of Arts & Sciences at the University of Oklahoma .
August 2010: Dr. Marnel Niles will offer Comm 189: Special Event Planning as a course in Fall 2010. More Information.
August 2010: Fall 2010 Internship Information
June 2010: Dr. Marnel Niles has been appointed the Department of Communication Graduate Coordinator beginning Fall 2010. Summer correspondence may be sent to Dr. Kevin Ayotte .
June 2010: Dr. Shane Moreman has been promoted to Associate Professor with tenure.
May 2010: Students in the Department of Communication Internship Program volunteered 1,536 hours at local community organizations, schools and nonprofits during the 2009-2010 academic year. Congratulations students!
April 2010: Two undergraduate students have been inducted into Phi Kappa Phi , the nation's oldest, largest and most selective Honor Society. Congratulations Mary Erickson & Leticia Williams!
April 2010: Undergraduate Student Jennifer Ervin has been named the Unviersity's Outstanding Volunteer of the Year! Congratulations, Jennifer!
April 2010: Undergraduate Student Jennifer Ervin has received the 2010 Dean's Medal from the College of Arts & Humanities. This award is the most prestigious recognition an undergraduate may receive from the College. Congratulations, Jennifer!
April 2010: Dr. Marnel Niles has been awarded the Provost's Award for Promising New Faculty. The award recognizes outstanding non-tenured faculty in a tenure track line.
April 2010: The following eight undergradaute students have been inducted into Lambda Pi Eta, the National Honor Socieity of Undergraduate Communication Students:
Jennifer Ervin
Mary Erikson
Samantha Hopkins
Sarah Gill
Matt Tarkington
Suzanne Jenkins
Crystal Calvillo
Stacy Heaton
April 2010: Marie Garlock presents It is In You: Health Justice Performance in Tanzania: A performance in movement, spoken word and live music exploring the politics of development, HIV, and the body on Friday, April 16, ED.172 at 2 PM.
January 2010: Congratulations to Dr. Shane Moreman and undergraduate student Jennifer Zenovich because their research proposal, Beyond Words: An Oral History of Feminism Within the Life of Joyce Aiken, has been accepted for funding by the Undergraduate Research Award Program.
January 2010: Dr. Diane Blair has been appointed to the editorial board of the Quarterly Journal of Speech.
November 2009: Faculty mentor Dr. Scott Moore [BROKEN LINK] and matriculated doctoral student Bradley Adame have received full funding for a professional development grant through the CSU Office of the Chancellor to support collaborative research.
November 2009: Graduate Student Matt Schulz has received a Graduate Student Research and Creative Activities Merit Award in the amount of $1,000 to support his Master of Arts Thesis, "Patient Uncertainty in the Medical Setting."
November 2009: Dr. Devendra Sharma [BROKEN LINK] will be performing at the "Performing Diaspora" festival in San Francisco from November 19-22 everyday at 8 PM. The "Performing Diaspora" program comprises of 13 artists chosen from across California who are experimenting with traditional performing art forms to convey contemporary social messages. More information.
October 2009: Dr. Diane Blair will participate in a Fresno County Library fundraiser discussing First Ladies in American Politics. More information.
October 2009: It is time to think about Communication Internships for Spring 2010 (Comm 179). More information for Communication Majors.
October 2009: Dr. Devendra Sharma spoke to the Fresno State Library on October 19th at 1:00pm. View more information regarding Dr. Sharma's Nautanki Opera performance lecture. View a You-Tube media file of Dr. Sharma's recent performance at University of California, Berkeley.
September 2009: The Department of Communication Spotlights Dr. Diane Blair.
August 2009: Students are advised of new academic regulations and policies. Please see the attached information sheet.
August 2009: Internships are coordinated by Dr. Scott Moore. More information on Internships.
May 2009: The Department of Communication hosted a reception on May 4, 2009, to honor the career of Professor Emeritus Richard Ullmann. He taught at Fresno State from 1968-2004 and then as part of the Faculty Early Retirement Program from 2004-2009. See pictures in a video of the retirement celebration!
April 2009: Dr. Shaunee L. Wallace guest lectured to the COMM 168 (Communication in Organizations) class. Dr. Wallace earned her Ph.D. at Howard University and currently is the chair of the Communication Department at The College of New Rochelle in Harlem, NY. She has also worked as a public relations consultant since 1998 and her clientele include Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines, Donald Trump, Essence Magazine, and the government of Hong Kong. Her areas of interest are Organizational Communication and Public Relations. She is especially interested in examining Latinas who work in public relations firms.
April 2009: Three Communication undergraduates are the recipients of two memorial scholarships. Elizabeth Seaward is our 2009 Charles Taylor Memorial Scholarship recepient. This scholarship is given to the student with the highest GPA. Both Cierra Van Patten and Stephanie Hartzell are the recipients of the 2009 Anthony J. Perella Memorial Scholarship given to students for their service to the department and community as well as their commitment to learning. Congratulations to all three. They were honored at the April 18th Department's Scholarship and Awards Reception.
April 2009: Dr. Shane Moreman's 2008 publication Buscando para nuestra latinidad: Utilizing La Llorona for cultural critique in the Journal of International and Intercultural Communication will be a part of the Library's 12th annual reception honoring faculty publications on April 14th.
March 2009: The Director of Forensics Search has been Frozen. More Information.
March 2009: Communication Conference Cancelled
The Department of Communication has recently decided that it will no longer hold the annual Undergraduate Communication Conference. After much thought and deliberation we decided that we wish to commit to other academic events. This conference had a good run of 35 years. We are proud of its history and that we were able to bring several top scholars in Communication to Fresno to meet and talk with our students. We will be working to archive all the keynote speeches which include remarks by scholars such as Aubrey Fisher, Gerald Miller, Robert Bostrom, Leslie Baxter, James McCroskey, Sandra Metts, Edna Rogers, Stephen Littlejohn, Howard Giles, Mike Motely, Julia Wood, Pamela Cooper, and Ev Rogers. These then can become available to for those who may wish to purchase them. Thank you to everyone who has supported this conference over the last 35 years.
March 2009: Student Awards Announced!
Tiffany Rogers (MA 2009) is the Department of Communication's 2009 Graduate Deans Medalist nominee.
Shannon Rowe (BA 2009) is the Department of Communication's 2009 President's Medal nominee. Tiffany Rogers (MA 2009) is the Department of Communication's 2009 Gene Anderson Outstanding Teaching
Award recipient. Guy Wade (MA 2009) is the Department of Communication's 2009 Communication Spirit Award recipient.
March 2009: New Pictures & Video of Peach Blossom 2009 are available on the Gallery Page!

March 2009: The Department of Communication mourns the passing of Dr. Michael Pfau of the University of Oklahoma. Michael authored more than 100 articles and was recipient of NCA's Golden Anniversary Monograph Award and Southern's Rose B. Johnson SCJ Article Award.
March 2009: Dr. Diane Blair expresses her opinion about state funding in the CSU.
February 2009: Dr. John Cagle was presented with the Western States Communication Association's 2009 Distinguished Service Award at this years conference in Mesa AZ. The Department of Communication has a long history of service to this highly regarded association and we are proud of John's unwavering dedication to WSCA.
Feburary 2009: Dr. Diane Blair presented a talk about Mary Todd Lincoln's performance and legacy as First Lady, in honor of President's Day and Lincoln's 200 anniversary.
December, 2008: Dr. Craig Fowler ,Dr. Scott Moore & Fresno State alum Bradley Adame recently published the article, An Account for System influence in the Analysis of Patient Satifaction.
December, 2008: Graduate Student R.J. Lagrama is being recognized with the Top Debut Paper award in the WSCA Intercultural Communication Interest Group for his paper entitled, “Ang Metodong Panunulayan: Isang Perspektibo sa Pag Iintidi ng Pagkakakilanlan ng Pilipino (Ethnography: A Perspective in Understanding the Filipino Identity)." Graduate Student Tiffany Rogers' paper, "We are the World, We are America: Popular Culture, African Famine, and American Exceptionalism" was competitively selected for presentation.
December, 2008: Professor Dr. Diane Blair will be recognized with a Top Four Paper in the Organization for Research on Women
and Communication Interest Group at WSCA, for a paper co-authored with former graduate
student Kherstin Khan titled, “Writing Bill Clinton: A Study in Hegemonic Masculinity.”
December, 2008: Graduate student Patrick Noonan received a Robert and Norma Craig Fellowship to assist Dr. Kevin Ayotte with research.
November, 2008: Graduate Student Tracy Stuntz received a Division of Graduate Studies travel grant to fund her presentation of
her paper, "All We Are Saying is Give Peace a Chance: A Rhetorical Analysis of Nontraditional
Forms of War Protesting," at the NCA Conference in San Diego.
November, 2008: Leslie Collins Hester, a recent graduate alum, was on the Top Papers panel in the Public Address Division
for a paper, derived from her M.A. thesis on the humor of Anna Howard Shaw, co-authored
with Dr. Diane Blair .
October 2008: The Western States Communication Association invites Undergraduates to submit competitive papers to its Undergraduate Research Conference to be held in February 2009 in Pheonix, AZ. More information.
October 2008: Dr. Shane Moreman has received the 2008 Latina/o Scholar of the Year award given by NCA’s La Raza Caucus and the Latina/o Communication Studies Division. Congratulations Shane.
October 2008: Dr. Devendra Sharma's manuscript "Participatory photography as theory, method and praxis: Analyzing an entertainment-education project in India" has been accepted by Critical Arts.
August 2008: New Undergraduate Advising Times Announced. Beginning immediately, Dr. Fraleigh will serve as Undergraduate Advisor. Students may sign up for undergraduate advising on a schedule posted on the door to Speech Arts, Room 8. Office Hours for Dr. Fraleigh are T 8:45-10:45, W 1:00-3:00 and Th 12:30-1:30.
August 2008: Dr. Sally Tannenbaum will participate on a Panel Discussion, The Next Commander-in-Chief: Obama or McCain? on Wednesday, September 17, 2008 from 10:00-11:00 in the Satellite Student Union.
August 2008: Dr. Sally Tannenbaum's edited book Research, Advocacy, and Political Engagement: Multidisciplinary Perspectives through Service Learning was released by Stylus.
August 2008: National Communication Association Participation. Nine department students and faculty will present research at the 2008 NCA convention
in San Diego:
Leslie Collins-Hester (MA 2008) and Diane Blair
Top Paper in Public Address “Rebellious Revelry: The Rhetorical Functions of Anna
Howard Shaw's Humor”
Craig Fowler
“Love Styles and Communication in Romantic Relationships: Maintenance, Trait and Episodic
Willingness to Forgive, and Communication of Forgiveness;”
“The Impact of Relationship Maintenance and Equity on Marriages of Varying Duration”
Marnel Niles
“Calling Out With No Response: Black Pedagogy at a White University;”
“Safe Space: A Small Group Perspective on Black Women Friendships;”
“Black Woman Identity Politics: Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton?”
Scott Moore
“Celebrating Advances in Applied Communication Research”
Shane Moreman
“There Goes the Neighborhood!: When the All American Girl Next Door (Communication)
Meets The Barrio's Femme Fatale (Latina/o Performance Studies)”
Adam Perry (Adjunct Faculty)
“Is it Punk to Protest? Punk Rock's Rhetorical Features”
“Taking Mom Seriously: Cindy Sheehan's 2008 Congressional Campaign”
Tracy Stuntz (MA 2009)
“All We Are Saying is Give Peace a Chance: A Rhetorical Analysis of Nontraditional
Forms of War Protesting”
Sally Tannenbaum
“Reshaping Perspectives and Promoting Worldview”
August 2008: Dr. Craig Fowler's manuscript “Let’s do it the way we’ve always done it”: Dialectical tensions underpinning family farm succession planning has been accepted to the Journal of Applied Communication Research.
August 2008: Dr. Douglas Fraleigh's book, Speak Up! An Illustrated Guide to Public Speaking is released by Bedford/St. Martin's.
August 2008: Dr. Shane Moreman has been appointed Associate Editor to Text and Performance Quarterly, Communication Review and Journal of International/Intercultural Communication.
August 2008: Graduate Student Leslie Collins-Hester and Dr. Diane Blair's paper "Rebellious Revelry: The Rhetorical Functions of Anna Howard Shaw’s Humor" was awarded the Top 3 Paper in Public Address at NCA this November.
August 2008: Dr. Scott Moore's[BROKEN LINK] manuscript "Influences on health delivery system satisfaction: A partial test of the ecological model" co-authored with alumn Daniel Bernard and Dr. Kevin Wright has been accepted for publication by Health Communication .
August 2008: Dr. Kevin Ayotte is awarded tenure and promotion to the rank of Associate Professor.
August 2008: Dr. Scott Moore[BROKEN LINK] is awarded rank of Professor. Dr. Moore is reappointed Chair, ad interim, to the Department of Philosophy.
July 2008: Dr. Kevin Ayotte's edited book, Terrorism: Communication and Rhetorical Perspectives is released by Hampton Press.
June 2008: Graduate Student Tiffany Rogers has been named a Sally Casanova Pre-Doctoral Scholar by the CSUF Chancellors Office.
May 2008: Dr. Diane Blair has been elected Vice President of the local chapter of the California Faculty Association.
May 2008: Dr. Shane Moreman was recognized with an outstanding advisor award.
April 2008: Dr. Sally Tannanbaum recorded a radio spot ( MP3 Format).
April 2008: The Department celebrated its first-annual Awards Reception on April 17.
April 2008: Dr. Tom Hollihan was the Keynote Speaker for the Undergraduate Communication Conference . Dr. Hollihan made two presentations, " “Angry, Disinterested, and Cynical: Public
Attitudes Toward the 2008 U.S. Presidential Election.” and "Globalization, Democracy,
and Citizen Deliberation: A Call for Progressive Social Action." Video
April 2008: Graduate Student Tiffany Sarkisian Rodriquez will be defending her thesis, "The Rhetoric of the Most Reverend Katharine Jefferts Schori: A Rhetoric of Reconciliation" on Tuesday, April 15th from 3:30-5:30pm at USU 310.
April 2008: Dr. Marnel Niles presented "Touch My Hair and I’ll Beat You Up’: My Hair Identity as Black and Woman." to the Fresno State Diversity Conference. More Information.
April 2008: The 50th Anniversary of Peach Blossom brought 6400 students, 200 schools & 400 teachers to the Fresno State Campus.
April 2008: Dr. Shane Moreman's competitive manuscript, " “Buscando para nuestra latinidad: Utilizing La Llorona for the cultural critique of Chasing Papi" has been accepted by the Journal of International and Intercultural Communication.
March 2008: Dr. Devendra Sharma speaks to BBC Radio about performance traditions. More information.
March 2008: Dr. Diane Blair's competitive manuscirpt, "I want you to write me': Eleanor Roosevelt's Use of Personal Letters as Rhetorical Resource" has been accepted to the Western Journal of Communication.
March 2008: Dr. Shane Moreman's competitive manuscript, "Memoir as Performance: Strategies of Hybrid Ethnic Identity" has been accepted to Text and Performance Quarterly.
March 2008: Dr. Devendra Sharma directs a Nautanki folk musical in the Bay Area. More information.
March 2008: Dr. Kevin Ayotte was a panelist for a discussion surrounding "Five Years of War in Iraq." More information.
March 2008: Dr. Diane Blair will present, "Anticipating Madam President: Is America Ready for a Woman in the White House?" at the Unitarian Universalist Town Hall meeting of the Unitarian Universalist Church on March 16th 9:00am.
March 2008: Dr. Erin Rand's competitive manuscript on Larry Kramer's activism was recently accepted by the Quarterly Journal of Speech.
March 2008: Dr. Devendra Sharma will be recognized by the Library for the book chapter, "Catalyzing social reform through participatory performances in rural India,” in Larry Frey and Kevin Carragee (Eds.) Communication Activism: Media and Performance Activism. The reception and exhibit of outstanding faculty publications is March 7th from 5-7 pm.
March 2008: Dr. Marnel Niles will present "Safe Space: A Small Group Perspective on Black Women's Friendship Groups." The lecture and discussion is March 12 from 12-1 in the UBC 194 for Fourth Annual Women's Studies Brown Bag Series in Honor of Women's History Month.
March 2008: Dr. Shane Moreman will present, "The Latin Lover in Contemporary Hollywood: Tensions between U.S. Citizenship and Latino Masculinity." The lecture is March 13 from 6:00-7:30 pm in UC 202. More information in University Journal.
March 2008: Lecturer Barbara Aston raised over $10,000 in donations for the local Community Food Bank. More information in University Journal.
March 2008: Pictures from WSCA
February, 2008: Dr. Sally Tannenbaum presented "Primary Elections Analysis 2008" Presentation to Women's Political Caucus.
February, 2008: Dr. Sally Tannenbaum 's Television interview, "Super Tuesday Political Analysis," KSEE Channel 24 News.
February 2008: Dr. Devendra Sharma presented "How we use communication for social change" to the Central Valley Cultural Heritage Institute.
Feburary 2008. Dr. Craig Folwer published the competitive journal article, Attitudes toward Decision-making and Aging, and Preparation for Future Care Needs in the journal Health Communication.
February 2008: Dr. Robert Powell discusses the Department's Communication Conference at Fresno State News.
January 2008: Dr. Shane Moreman published the chapter: Moreman, S. T. (2008). Hybrid Performativity, South and North of the Border: Entre la teoría y la materialidad de hibridación. In A. N. Valdivia (Ed.), Latina/o Communication Studies Today (pp. 91-111). New York: Peter Lang.
December 2007: Graduate student Stacie Moore defended her MA Comprehensive examinations. Congratulations!
November 2007: Congratulations to graduate student Leslie Collins Hester, recipient of the Research Merit Award from the Division of Graduate Studies for her thesis work.
November 2007: Congratulations to graduate students Tiffany Rogers and Jeanine Herrick each of whom have been awarded a Robert and Norma Craig Graduate Fellowship for 2007-2008.
November 2007: Dr. Scott Moore [BROKEN LINK] and former graduate student Bradley Adame recently co-authored an article accepted for publication in the journal of Patient Education and Counseling.
November 2007: Congratulations to graduate student Tyffani Upton for receiving the Top Debut Paper Award for the paper, "Fighting for Freedom of Speech: A Rhetorical Analysis of Churchill's Discourse," to be presented to the Rhetoric and Public Address Interest Group at the 2008 WSCA conference.
November 2007: Dr. Shane Moreman is the newest member to the California Teaching Fellows Foundation Board of Directors.
November 2007: Dr. Erin Rand recently published the article: Rand, E. J. (2007). Revolutionary Pants: Identity, Play and Collective Action. Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, 4, 430-434.
November 2007: Dr. Diane Blair will host a conversational table as part of the College Arts and Humanities Conversation in the Arts event. This event brings faculty expertise to the community. The discussion topic for Dr. Blair's table is "Electing Madame President."
October 2007: Leslie Collins Hester will defend her thesis titled, " Rebellious Revelry: The Rhetorical Functions of Anna Howard Shaw's Use of Humor" on October 24th, 11:00am-1:00pm in Speech Arts 32. The oral defense is open to the public.
October 2007: Dr. Katherine Adams has been invited to join the EditorialAdvisory Board of Fresno Magazine.
October 2007. Dr. Scott Moore [BROKEN LINK] has been invited to join the editorial board for a special issue of the international journal of Patient Education and Counseling, on the topic of “Using Translational Research to Develop Participative Cancer Communication Interventions for Vulnerable Populations.” Gary Kreps, Editor.
October 2007: Dr. Diane Blair & Dr. Sally Tannenbaum will participate in the 2007 Roger Tatarian Symposium discussing "The Internet’s Impact on Traditional Campaign Communication Methods.” More Information.
October 2007: Dr. Scott Moore [BROKEN LINK] who serves on the Editorial Board for the Western Journal of Communication (Cheree Carlson, Editor 2005-2009) has been reappointed through 2011 (Brian Ott, Editor 2009-2011).
September 2007: Dr. Erin Rand presented "When Mourning Is Not Enough: Activism in the Early Years of the AIDS Crisis" as the centerpiece presentation for the Universalist Unitarian Church's August 2007 service on AIDS.
September 2007: Dr. Shane Moreman was invited along with with Bernadette Calafell (University of Denver) to be guest editors for a special issue of Text and Performance Quarterly on Latina/o Performativities. Such an invitation is an honor and recognizes Dr. Moreman's work in Latina/o identity and performance. This issue is specifically devoted to multiple sites of Latina/o performance and will showcase work that will both complement and confront the criteria of performance and performance theory.
September 2007: Dr. Marnel Niles has been elected Vice President of the Black Faculty and Staff Association.
September 2007: A very special congratulations to Dr. Craig Fowler who recently received acceptance of a manuscript titled, "Interpersonal Motives for Siblings across the Lifespan.” In an upcoming issue of Communication Quarterly .
July 2007: Dr. Scott Moore[BROKEN LINK] has been appointed to the Scientific Advisory Board of the National Center for Risk and Crisis Management.
July 2007: Entering graduate student Tiffany Rogers has been awarded the University Graduate Equity Fellowship. Congratulations!
June 2007: Dr. Devendra Sharma co-authored a chapter titled "Catalyzing social reform through participatory folk performances in rural India" in Communication Activism by Hampton press.
June 2007: CSU Chancellor Charles Reed accepted graduate student Bradley Adame into the California State University Chancellor's Doctoral Incentive Program. Congratulations!
June 2007: Graduate Student Bryan Hirayama has accepted a teaching position at Baiko Gakuin University in Japan.
May 2007: Alumna and lecturer Linda Carvalho Cooley has accepted a position at Reedley College.
May 2007: Several Program Enhancement Awards were given to Communication Department Faculty. Dr. Diane Blair will develop a seminar in Feminist Communication Theory and Scholarship; Dr. Sally Tannenbaum will develop a seminar in Leadership; and Dr. Dev Sharma will work on UN/AIDS research.
May 2007: Graduate Student Johnathan Brooks successfully defended his MA comprehensive examination. Congratulations!
May 2007: Dr. Craig Fowler and Dr. Devendra Sharma received research grants. Dr. Fowler will investigate relational maintenance and equity in marriages in mid- and later-life; Dr. Sharma will assist with a United Nationas AIDS research project.
May 2007: Dr. Scott Moore[BROKEN LINK] has been reappointed Chair of the Department of Philosophy for the 2007-2008 academic year.
May 2007: Dr. Sally Tannenbaum received tenure and is promoted to the rank of Associate Professor.
May 2007: Graduate student Bryan Hirayama successfully defended his MA comprehensive examination. Congratulations!
May 2007: Graduate student Christina Collins successfully defended her MA comprehensive examination. Congratulations!
May 2007: Alumnus Daniel Duke (BA '00) accepted an invitation from Dean Vida Samiian to join the College of Arts & Humanities Advisory Board. Welcome!
May 2007: Graduate student Diana Stuber successfully defended her MA project, "Interdisciplinary Approach to Diversity Training." Congratulations!
May 2007: Dr. Kevin Ayotte was awarded the Promising New Faculty Provost's Award. This is an extremely well deserved and prominent honor! Congratulations!
May 2007: Graduate student Bradley Adame successfully defended his MA comprehensive examination. Mr. Adame will matriculate into the doctoral program in Communication at the University of Oklahoma.
May 2007: Dr. Shane Moreman presented "Don't Say Goodbye/Si tu te vas: Entre la teoría y la materialidad de hibridación," at the International Communication Association annual meeting, Ethnicity and Race in Communication Division in San Francisco.
April 2007: Dr. Robert Powell has been awarded the 2007 Torch of Excellence Award for mentoring of student-athletes. Congratulations!
April 2007: Dr. Sally Tannenbaum has been awarded the Jan & Bud Richter Award for Excellence in Education, awarded to Liberal Studies faculty outside of the college of education who are involved with students intent to achieve a teaching credential. Congratulations!
April 2007: Graduate student Dawn Marie McIntosh has accepted an offer to matriculate into the doctoral program in Communication at the University of Denver.
April 2007: Dr. Shane Moreman offered a course Tourist as Communicator in collaboration with the Universidad Xochicalco. More information.
April 2007: At a College of Arts & Humanities ceremony, graduate student Dawn Marie McIntosh was awarded the 2007 Arts & Humanities Graduate Dean's Medal. Additionally, she received a Graduate Research Merit Award. Congratulations!
April 2007: The CSUF Department of Communication sends its condolences to the faculty, staff and student population at Virginia Tech. Members of the CSUF communication faculty have strong ties to VT faculty in their Department of Communication.
April 2007: Dr. Devendra Sharma has been invited to work as “chief creative consultant” with the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) in India. UNAIDS is funding Dr. Sharma to travel to India in summer 2007 to work with local partners to design and implement a pilot folk performance campaign to combat HIV/AIDS in the Indian state of Bihar. UNAIDS will also provide support for Dr. Sharma and other collaborators to collect quantitative and qualitative data for assessing the efficacy of the pilot project.
April 2007: Dr. Shane Moreman presented "The Blur of Mixed-Ethnic Identity: Focusing on the Politics and Possibilities of Multiple Selves" as part of the College of Arts & Humanities 2006-2007 Lecture Series.
April 2007: Graduate students Bradley Adame & Leslie Collins Hester were selected as two of 22 students on the campus to highlight their research at the Graduate Student Recognition Exposition. Congratulations!
April 2007: Congratulations to graduate students Diana Stuber, Trudy Tucker and Kherstin Khan each of whom had papers accepted to the 27th Annual Central California Research Symposium.
April 2007: Dr. Marnel Niles successfully defended her dissertation titled, Safe Space: A Small Group Perspective on Black Women Friendships, at Howard University. Congratulations!
March 2007: The Department of Communication announces the keynote speaker of the
2007 Undergraduate Communication Conference will be Dr. Nick Trujillo of Sacramento
State University, pictured here with his longtime partner, the late Dr. Leah Vande
Berg. The conference is scheduled for April 20 & 21.
March 2007: The Department of Communication welcomed Peach Blossom participants, teachers and family. In its 49th year, the oral interpretation festival hosted over 5,000 children throughout the Central Valley.
March 2007: Dr. Erin Rand presented a lecture on the Lesbian Avengers, an activist group of the early 1990s as part of Women's History Month.
March 2007: Dawn Marie McIntosh successfully defended her Master of Arts thesis, "Staging the Critical Functions of Identity: An Ethnography of Latina Drag Queens." Congratulations, Dawn Marie!
March 2007: The Department of Communication is pleased to welcome new faculty member Marnel Niles from Howard University in Washington DC. Ms. Niles specializes in relational group discourse and organizational communication. Welcome!
March 2007: Bradley Adame and Dr. Scott Moore[BROKEN LINK] accepted an invitation to present their research at the Communicating about Cancer Symposium at Chapman University. Their paper, Self-efficacy as health literacy in the negotiation of systemic bureaucracy, was included in the symposium designed to close the gap on health and cancer literacy by bringing top scholars from a variety of disciplines to highlight theoretical and research perspectives in the delivery of cancer care.
February 2007: Dr. Scott Moore[BROKEN LINK] was elected to the university Academic Planning and Policy Committee (AP&P).
January 2007: Congratulations to Dawn Marie McIntosh. She received an Educational Research and Project Grant (ERPG), designed to provide financial support for student research, projects, and other scholarly endeavors under faculty supervision.
January 2007: Dr. Sally Tannenbaum and Dr. Sharon Brown-Welty have an essay appearing online in Horizon, a newsletter for the Association of Experiential Education.
December 2006: Instructor Judith Scott received a $7000 grant to refine an Academic Integrity Workshop with co-principal investigator Ida Jones. The workshop explores topics of cheating and plagiarism and is designed for both students and faculty.
December 2006: Incoming graduate student Guy Wade was awarded a Provost Graduate Student Scholarship for Spring 2007. Congratulations, Guy!
December 2006: Trudy Tucker successfully defended her Master of Arts project, "“The Cultural Legacy of the Ahwahneechee People: An Appreciative Inquiry Ethnography." Congratulations, Trudy!
December 2006: WSCA Participation: Nineteen CSUF faculty and students will present papers at the Western States Communication Association in Seattle, Washington. Graduate students presenting their research include: Brad Adame, Matt Schulz, Diana Stuber, Laine Hendricks, Krystin Risch, Leslie Gail Collins-Hester, Tiffany Rodriguez, Bryan Hirayama, Christina Collins, Dawn Marie McIntosh and Stacie Moore. Faculty presenting their research include Dr. Erin Rand, Dr. Kevin Ayotte, Dr. Devendra Sharma, Dr. Sally Tannenbaum, Dr. Scott Moore[BROKEN LINK], Dr. Craig Fowler, Dr. Douglas Fraleigh, Dr. Diane Blair and part-time faculty member Jerry Thurston. Other CSUF faculty members who have an active role at the conference chairing, responding and organizing include Dr. Kathy Adams, Dr. Shane Moreman and Dr. John Cagle.
December 2006: The College of Arts and Humanities awarded Dr. Douglas Fraleigh a sabbatical for Spring 2008, to investigate the area of Legal Communication.
November 2006: Vanessa Ruiz successfully defended her Master of Arts Thesis titled, "Social Capital and Teacher Immediacy: Factors Influencing the Academic Motivation for Students Considered Academically at Rick." Congratulations, Vanessa.
November 2006: Comm 188T: Performance as Communication will be offered in Spring 2007 on T-Th 11:00-12:15. More Information.
November 2006: NCA Participation Eleven CSUF faculty and students present papers
at the National Communication Association Convention in San Antonio. Five Department
of Communication faculty present "top" papers in their respective divisions:
Dr. Kevin Ayotte: Top 4 Paper in Argumentation and Forensics;
Dr. Craig Fowler: Top 4 Paper in Communication and Aging;
Dr. Erin Rand: Top 3 Paper in GLBT Division;
Dr. Devendra Sharma: Top 3 Paper in Performance Studies;
Dr. Sally Tannenbaum: Top Papers Panel in Experiential Learning in Communication.
Other presenters include: Holly Anderson, Christina Collins, Kherstin Khan, Dawn
Marie McIntosh, Dr. Shane Moreman, and Trudy Tucker.
November 2006. On election day eve, Dr. Sally Tannenbaum participated in an on-air round table forum for KSEE 24's news coverage of election results.
October 2006: Dr. Craig Fowler published a book chapter with Dr. Jon Nussbaum of Penn State. The chapter is titled Communication with the Aging Patient. In the same book, Jerry Thurston, a part time member of the CSUF faculty and Assistant Professor at Fresno City College has co-authored a chapter titled, Cultural Competence and the Barriers to the Delivery of Healthcare with Dr. Scott Moore[BROKEN LINK]. The book, Applications in Health Communication, is Edited by Dr. Kevin Wright & Dr. Scott Moore[BROKEN LINK] and published by Hampton Press.
October 2006: The National Communication Association's Division of Critical and Cultural Studies has awarded the 2006 Outstanding Dissertation Award to Dr. Erin Rand for her dissertation, "Risking Resistance: Rhetorical Agency in Queer Theory and Activism." Congratulations, Erin, on this prestigious national award! Erin appears in the November issue of University Journal.
October 2006: In celebration of Free Speech Week and the annual Take Back the Night program, Dr. Shane Moreman delivered a brief speech entitled "Cállate joto" to program attendees.
October 2006: Dr. Scott Moore[BROKEN LINK] has been appointed Chair ad interim for the Department of Philosophy beginning Spring 2007; Dr. Moore will continue to teach in the Communication Graduate program.
October 2006: Several of Communication students received scholarship awards for their internships involving community service: Congratulations to Adam Horn & Kylie Tsudama for their Maddy Institute Awards; Craig Meredith, Morgan Spruance, & Diana Bui for their scholarships from the University Future Scholars Program; and to Katelyn Hicks & Randi Say for their scholarships from the University Community Service fund.
October 2006: The Communication Graduate Student Association became recognized by the University as an official student group. Congratulations to CGSA on this milestone!
September 2006: Dr. Douglas Fraleigh moderated a symposium on Proposition 84, the Clean Water, Parks and Coastal Protection bond. Featured panelists included Mrs. Coke Hallowell of the San Joaquin River Parkway and Conservatory, Dr. John Suen of the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, and Daniel Duke, an environmental consultant and alumnus of the CSUF Department of Communication.
September 2006: The College of Arts & Humanities announces its 2006-2007 Lecture Series. Dr. Shane Moreman will present "The Blur of Mixed-Ethnic Identity: Focusing on the Politics and Possibilities of Multiple Selves" on Thursday April 12, 2007, from 7:00-8:00pm, in the Alice Peters Auditorium. More Information.
September 2006. Fall 2006 Academic Deadlines Reminder: September 11 is the last day to add a class without a permission number; it is also the last day to drop a class without a serious and compelling reason or to register for credit by examination. September 25 is the last day to register for a class with a permission number, drop a class without a W, change from credit to no/credit grading, or complete credit by examination.
September 2006: Dr. Sally Tannenbaum is offering a course in Political Campaign Communication (Fall 2006). Several notable guest speakers will be visiting her course during the semester. Interested individuals are invited and welcomed. All presentations are in Speech Arts, room 26. More information.
August 2006: Notice about Permission Numbers. The Department of Communication Main Office does not give out any permission numbers for any classes. Permission numbers are given at the discretion of the instructor of record for each class.
August 2006: The Department of Communication mourns the loss of former Dean Luis Costa,
who died Saturday, August 26th. Dean Costa was influential in a number of careers
and developments in the CSUF College of Arts & Humanities. The Department sends its
condolences to wife Wendy and sons Jason, Alex and Justin. More information.
August 2006: The Department of Communication mourns the loss of undergraduate senior Kwasi Opoku-Sakyi, who referred to himself as "Q." He will be missed by his friends and communication faculty. The Department sends its sincere condolences to his father, CSUF Professor Yaw Oheneba-Sakyi of the Africana Studies Department. More information.
August 2006: New Graduate Student Library. Over the years, the Department of Communication received donations of journals from several retiring faculty. Many of these holdings along with journals from the department’s own subscriptions were sorted and placed in a series of bookshelves in the copy room. A very special thank you is extended to Brad Adame, Bryan Hirayama and Dr. Devendra Sharma for their efforts in creating the new library. Graduate Students who use this resource are asked to check out journals using the “honor system clipboard” in the copy room.
June 2006: Graduate Student Dawn Marie McIntosh has been selected as a Sally Casanova Pre-Doctoral Scholar. Congratulations for this honor!
June 2006: Professor Devendra Sharma successfully defended his doctoral dissertation Performing Nautanki: Popular Community Folk Performances as Sites of Dialogue and Social Change at Ohio University. Congratulations!
May 2006: New Website Design: The Department of Communication debuts a new look! Special thanks to Daniel Bernard for assistance with the design. Looking for information not on the new page? Although disruption has been minimized, some material is no longer available.
May 2006: The Department of Communication announces two scholarship recipients. Katherine Ebert was awarded the Charles Taylor scholarship, and Jeannine Hendrick was awarded the Parella scholarship.
April 2006. Lambda Pi Eta inducts nine new members. Congratulations!
ay 2006: The Department of Communication announces two scholarship recipients. Katherine Ebert was awarded the Charles Taylor scholarship, and Jeannine Hendrick was awarded the Parella scholarship.
April 2006. Lambda Pi Eta inducts nine new members. Congratulations!
April 2006: The Department of Communication hosted the annual Undergraduate Communication
Conference. The conference was a huge success! Keynote speaker Dr. Howard Giles presented two speeches, one on communication and law enforcement, the other on intergenerational
stereotypes and accommodation.
March 2006: The Department of Communication announces the hiring of Dr. Erin Rand from the University of Iowa. Her scholarship addresses rhetorical theory and criticism, activism and social change, and queer theory and feminism. She is currently working on a project that considers the queer activism of the early-1990s in relation to the rise of academic queer theory during the same period. Her publications include an article in the Journal of Communication Inquiry and a forthcoming essay in Rhetoric and Public Affairs.