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Media, Communications and Journalism

Scholarship Reception

The Department of Media, Communications and Journalism will host its annual Scholarship Reception on Thursday, Nov. 14, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. in the MCJ TV Studio -- SA 172.

2019-2020 Scholarship Recipients 

ABC 30 Scholarship
Recipients: Brittney Steele, Kevin Hernandez, Tanya Acosta

Arthur Margosian Journalism Scholarship
Recipients: Brittany Elsom, Samantha Domingo, Skylar Karle

Anthony Marquez Memorial Award
Recipient: Anthony De Leon

James L. Melikian Scholarship
Recipients: Tanya Acosta, Katrina Covarrubias

Bernard A. Shepard Journalism/Public Relations Scholarship
Recipients: Katrina Covarrubias, Gaonoucci Vang

Charles L. Palmer Memorial Grant
Recipient: Lissette Rios

Darrell Copeland III Mass Communication and Journalism Scholarship
Recipient: not awarded

Dayle H. Molen Journalism Scholarship
Recipient: Anthony De Leon

Fresno Bee Scholarship
Recipient: Tanya Acosta

James R. Wilson Broadcast Journalism Scholarship
Recipients: Britney Steele, Kevin Hernandez

Jim Zaillian Memorial Scholarship
Recipient: Brittney Steele

MCJ/Journalism Department Scholarship
Recipients: Cynthia Ibarra, Logan Myatt, Cassadie Lopez, Yuleni Ramirez Lopez

Merlyn D. Burriss Memorial Scholarship
Recipients: Eric Ham, Bryan Soyinthisane

Nathan Hathaway Collegian Scholarship
Recipient: Seth Schwartz Casey

Paul V. Sheehan Journalism Grant
Recipient: Ashleigh Panoo

Roberta Asahina Scholarship
Recipients: Emily Lee, Jacob Muick

Roger Tatarian Journalism Grant
Recipients: Ashleigh Panoo, Juliann Angel

Sid Hosking Jr. Memorial Scholarship
Recipient: Joseph Marcos

Stanley Stemmer Beaubaire Memorial Grant
Recipients: Kevin Hernandez, Lissette Rios

For more information the reception or scholarships, contact Prof. Faith Sidlow, MCJ Scholarship Chair, at