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Department of Philosophy


If you would like to see this program developed at your school, we will help you to follow these easy steps:

Ten Steps to Peer Mediation Program Start Up

Start up Activities = 1 month

Mediators on Duty = Month 2

  1. 20 Min at school staff meeting: Staff Survey generating individual interest level in becoming a member of the Mediator Mentor Cadre for the school.
  2. Leaders at each school meet with your Mediator Mentor Cadre and attend staff training at Fresno State: share concept, student handbook, mentor video and possible structure at your site. Teachers identified from survey taken at staff meeting.
  3. Parent letter sent home: This may be the 1st letter that goes home describing the unfolding program. Attached may be a nomination form.
  4. School staff introduces “Nomination Essay Forms”: These are left in each class after the student orientation for grades 4 – 6. Share a 5 min video about mediation in classes or at assembly. “I would be a good mediator becauseÉ” Students are invited to see themselves or a peer as “My friend Maria would be a good mediator becauseÉ” Key attributes are being a good listener, being honest, and caring about helping others.
  5. Nomination Week: Posters, announcements and perhaps, assemblies. Mediator Mentor Cadre assist students and staff with generating enthusiasm and understanding the new program. Students carry their nomination forms around at lunch obtaining endorsements. This is turned in on Friday with signatures from 2 staff and 1 peer.
  6. Mediator Mentor Cadre Teachers meet: Meet and “cull” the nominations. Students will be advanced to training days at Fresno State, based on your criteria for participation. Always be careful to include students representative of the population of the school.
  7. Selected students garner parent permission: This may be the 2nd letter sent home about the program. Parents grant permission for their child to be a mediator and to attend the training at Fresno State
  8. Nominated students attend training at Fresno State: Mediator Mentor Cadre of teachers secure transportation and bring their student mediators to Fresno State for training. 2 days 9:00-12:30 15 4th graders; 15 5th graders, 15 6th graders = 45
  9. Celebration newly trained mediators: Try principal announcements, award certificates, and possibly assembly with teacher role play showing all students how to access mediation when they need it.
  10. Mediator Mentor Cadre Teachers and Fresno State Mediator Mentors work together: Mediator mentor assigned to school will assist busy teachers with scheduling and help with implementing the school wide program. Monthly follow-up meetings are held with your peer mediators. 

* A month into the program, the Mediator Mentor Lead Teacher and Cadre begin to “own” the program and know the peer mediators well. A follow up presentation should be made at a staff meeting to keep others apprised of the program’s developments. All staff should be invited to discuss how to support and grow the program at the school.