Department of Philosophy
CRETE Roster
Example Person
Wolters Elementary and Homan Elementary
Fresno Unified
Number of semesters participating: 2
About Me: I am a senior at Fresno State. I am studying child development and want to become an elementary school teacher. I was a mentor spring of 09 at Homan elementary school. I worked with the peer mediators to help them with any problems that came up at their school. I am also studying for a minor in American Indian Studies. I enjoy working with young children teaching them how to get along with one another. My time away from school and studies I spend at the Indian Project Clubhouse tutoring the children who attend. I am also very active in my church as a teacher for the elementary grades and sometimes the preschool children.
Reason For Being a Mediator Mentor: I want to help young children learn how to be able to solve their problems through talking it out and working together to come up with a solution that will work for them. I know that talking and working out problems together is the way to solve all problems. If everyone knew the way to solve their problems this way, there would not be wars among nations, friends, or families.