Department of Art, Design and Art History
The Phebe Conley Gallery provides critical exhibition space for Art and Design Department students to prepare for a professional career, provides actual installation experiences, and connects the students with the community by providing four large student exhibitions each year and multiple masters degree student exhibitions.
Conley Art Building
Room 105
Mon-Fri 10 a.m.-4 p.m.*
The M Street Graduate Art Studios opened in May 2015 as a creative collaboration between the College of Arts and Humanities and Granville Urban Development’s M Street Arts Complex. The studios offer educational opportunities and professional development as students work side-by-side with faculty and professional artists.
1419 M Street
Downtown Fresno
Fri-Sun 12-4 p.m.*
The Dean's Gallery serves as a showcase space and entry way to the College of Arts and Humanities Dean's Office. The exhibits primarily feature the creative works of the college's students and faculty.
Music Building
Room 186
Mon-Fri 8 a.m.- 5 p.m.
*Exhibit hours may vary.