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Department of Art, Design and Art History

Art by Jamie Boley

Degrees and Programs

The Department of Art and Design offers many exciting and creative opportunities for students to nurture and expand their artistic and design senses. Entering the 21st century, the department provides a broad range of experiences that prepare its graduates for art- and design-related career opportunities and artistic endeavors. Students study and produce works that include state-of-the-art computer applications, conceptual art, graphic design, and interior design. The department has fine arts as its core and foundation, while offering areas of study that allow for occupational preparation in a variety of areas.

The award-winning faculty is committed to the idea that a foundation in the crafts of art and design is an essential prerequisite to the production of works that show sophistication both conceptually and visually.


Bachelor of Arts Degree in Art

Students produce works of art which encompass a wide range of visual expression, from figurative, abstract, and mixed-media art to conceptual and installation works, while also enriching their understanding of art history—prehistory to present—and contemporary art theory. By providing a range of approaches to art-making, art history, and theory, the studio art major encourages the development of creative and critical thinking while preparing students for a career in the arts.

Catalog: B.A. in Art

Areas of Emphasis




The Bachelor of Art: Photography and Printmaking emphasis emphasizes photographic and printing practices within a contemporary art context. Linking art historical and contemporary art practices, the program prepares students technically, aesthetically and professionally for a future in the visual arts. Students learn a wide range of skills utilizing the latest digital photographic practices in addition to traditional printmaking and darkroom techniques. The department has a dedicated print studio (screenprinting, intaglio and lithography), darkroom facilities and digital laboratories.


  • Neil Chowdhury (Photography)
  • Matt Hopson-Walker (Printmaking)
  • Joan Sharma (Design and Photography)

Bachelor of Arts Degree in Art History

The B.A. in Art History is designed to provide students with the social history of art, communication skills, research techniques, and methods of critical inquiry that have become a vital part of contemporary life. Course offerings cover a wide range of art-historical topics around the world (Renaissance and Baroque Art, Modern and Contemporary Art, Asian Art, Native American and African Art), encouraging students to become responsible citizens through an understanding of the aesthetic, cultural and ethical choices inherent in human development. Students successfully completing the B.A. in Art History are eligible to compete for admission to M.A. and Ph.D. programs and for entry-level positions in the art world and related fields.

Catalog: B.A. in Art History

What can I do with my major In Art History?
  • Museum and Gallery Curator, Administrator
  • Professional Tour Guide
  • Art Conservator
  • Art Consultant
  • Art Development Worker
  • Art Law Enforcement Officer
  • Art and Estate Appraiser
  • Auction Worker
  • Artist Manager
  • Exhibit Installation Contractor
  • Exhibition Manager
  • Art Events Planner and Organizer
  • Heritage Preservation Officer
  • Heritage Site Guide
  • Cultural Resources Manager
  • Media Executive
  • Designer
  • Researcher
  • College Professor
  • Educator
  • Writer
  • Journalist
  • Archivist

Bachelor of Art Degree in Animation/Intermedia

The Animation/Intermedia program has three areas of emphasis: 2D Animation, 3D Animation, and Intermedia. Each area focuses on its media through a fine arts perspective. Students learnhigh-end technological processes while developing strong critical awareness skills. All areas focus on students developing an individual voice and personal style to their work, as well as developing an understanding of how their work affects the world around them. Our program prepares students for both art and industry careers.

The 2D animation emphasis covers a wide variety of techniques in animation. Students will learn both traditional and digital processes for creating animations. Some of the processes we cover include cutouts, compositing, and frame-by-frame.

The 3D animation emphasis begins with a strong foundation in modeling, lighting, rendering and animating. From there, students will focus on a particular skillset, such as environments or character animation.

The Intermedia emphasis encourages students to engage with a variety of media to develop artwork that communicates complex ideas within a theoretical framework. Examples of media include digital photography, video, installations and animation.

Catalog: Animation/Intermedia

Bachelor of Arts in Interior Design

Interior Design is a professionally-oriented Council for Interior Design Accreditation (CIDA) accredited program. Housed in the Department of Art and Design, the student has a unique opportunity to experience an aesthetically oriented program with exposure to a wide variety of design and art courses.

The B.A. in Interior Design allows students many unique opportunities in the field of design. Students use advanced computer software and technologies as well as traditional methods in developing sophisticated design solutions for a variety of interior design projects. Interior design students gain an excellent foundation in subjects such as color theory, space planning, presentation techniques, rendering, construction documents, building systems and codes, and material specification. The program places an emphasis on design for diversity, social consciousness and special populations. Internships are included in the educational process.

Catalog: B.A. in Interior Design

Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design

Areas of Emphasis

The Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design degree is a professional program providing directed studies and is designed for students seeking in-depth preparation for specialized educational and career goals.

Catalog: Graphic Design, B.F.A.

The curriculum explores the many aspects of graphic design including the physical, cognitive, social, and cultural human factors. It will also explore theories, principles, and practice in relation to typography, illustration, computer graphics, web design, motion graphics, history of graphic design, and creative, critical visual thinking skills that are applicable to professional practice and to meet entrance requirements to graduate school.

  • Graphic Design
  • Illustration
  • Interactive Multimedia Design


B.F.A. Application Forms


  1. Students must have completed or be currently enrolled in the following courses.

  2. GD 35 Visual Communication Fundamentals
  3. GD 37 Computer Imaging
  4. GD 39 Computer Layout Design
  5. GD 41 Typography
  6. GD 42 Graphic Design
  7. GD 50* Web Design
  8. GD 60* Illustration Techniques


*Students missing GD 50, and/or GD60 may still apply for provisional acceptance into the BFA. Students applying for the Interactive/Multimedia track must have GD 50, Illustration track applicants must have GD 60.

  1. Students must have a minimum grade of "C" in their Graphic Design courses.
Application Process

Complete the online form and submit the documents described below. You may apply for up to two tracks. Indicate your first and second choice. Do not include a second choice if you aren’t willing to be assigned to that track. The deadine is Monday, April 1, 2024 at 11:59 p.m.

  1. Digital Portfolio

    Submit examples of your very best work that reflect your interest and ability in your proposed area of concentration (track). Include a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 16 pieces. Organize the portfolio into a multipage PDF doument, with your application letter as the first page.

    For a simple portfolio template click here. You may customize the design as long as the requirements listed below are included.

    Your portfolio should include examples from the following classes.

    • GD 35
    • GD 37
    • GD 39
    • GD 41 (minimum 2 examples)
    • GD 42 (minimum 2 examples)
    • GD 50
    • GD 60 (minimum 2 examples)

    Up to six other examples may be submitted for consideration, including relevant work done on your own, or in other courses or schools.

    Illustration track applicants must submit a minimum of four illustrations or art examples in addition to the projects listed above. Students certify that everything submitted is their original work.

    Web design and video work should be submitted as at least one screenshot of the project, and link to the website or video streaming service (i.e. youtube or vimeo).

    Descriptions of Work

    Every piece in the portfolio must be accompanied by a title and caption that decribe

    1. what the piece was created for (i.e. GD 41, independent project, etc.)
    2. the purpose of the assignment or project
    3. the medium or application it was created in (i.e. watercolor, Adobe Illustrator, etc.)
  • Application Letter

    Write a one-page letter of application to the BFA program. Describe your achievements, interests, personal point-of-view, and goals in the emphasis you want: graphic design, illustration, or interactive multimedia. Include your name and date and include it as page one of your portfolio.

  • Unofficial Transcript

    Submit a pdf copy of your unofficial trancript. For instructions on how to do that, visit

The Review Process

Full-time faculty will review the materials you submitted. Adjunct Faculty in the Graphic Design area may be invited to participate in the review process.

What the review committee is looking for

Evidence of your promise in graphic design, illustration and/or interactive multimedia; focus and commitment beyond the minimum course requirements, attributes of successful students in a rigorous professional preparation program such as the BFA.

How your materials will be evaluated

The primary criteria used in making selections for admission to the BFA in Graphic Design program will be the work presented in the portfolio. Students will be evaluated on how well they have demonstrated the following.

  1. Understanding of design and aesthetics
  2. Visual problem solving, including creativity, imaginative thinking, range and variety of ideas, and development of concept
  3. Awareness of cultural and historical trends, influences, and issues
  4. Skills, including craft and hand skills, technical skill with tools, programs, and materials, observation, quality of execution, presentation

In addition to your projects, there will be an assessment of your class participation and preparation, and your potential as a design professional.

If You Are Selected

Students selected for the BFA will be notified via email by Friday 4/5/24. We will notify you at the email address provided on your application.

Advising sessions may be held after that time for BFA students before enrolling in fall courses.

Registration for fall 2024 classes begins Monday 4/22/24. Students selected for the BFA will be given permission numbers to enroll in their required fall BFA classes.

Reminder: All students admitted to the BFA program should switch majors to the BFA in Graphic Design if necessary.

If You Are Not Selected

Students not selected for the BFA will be notified via email by Friday 4/5/24. We will notify you at the email address provided on your application. Students not selected for the BFA program will either re-apply the following year, or switch to (or continue in) the BA in Integrated Design.

Submit Application


M Street Studios in Downtown Fresno


The Master of Arts degree in Art provides the opportunity for students to pursue advanced studies in the visual arts as a means of attaining accomplishment in their discipline that extends beyond that of the baccalaureate degree. The graduate program is designed for highly motivated students, emphasizing intensive, self-directed study, and small group instruction, within a chosen area of study: Studio Art (drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, ceramics, photography, or new media), Art History, or Art Education. 

Learn more about the M.A. in Art Catalog: Art, M.A.


Art Minor

The Art Minor consists of a minimum of 21 units of which 9 must be upper division.  The Art Minor requires a 2.0 GPA and 6 upper-division units in residence.

Catalog: Art, Minor

Art History Minor

The Minor in Art History consists of 15 units in Art History, of which at least 9 units must be upper-division. Art History courses taken to satisfy the minor must be letter-graded. The Art History Minor requires a 2.0 GPA and 6 upper-division units in residence. Students majoring in Art may not apply Art History coursework required for the B.A. in Art toward the Minor in Art History.

Catalog: Art History Minor

Media Arts Interdisciplinary Minor

Media arts is the study of the theories and techniques involved in computer animation, graphic design, video and audio production, digital photography, music composition, digital storytelling, and Web design. It brings students and faculty together in the key areas of art and design, music, and digital media production.

Catalog: Media Arts, Minor

The Minor in Media Arts is a 20-21 unit program, with at least 12 upper-division units taken in residence. Students in the minor must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.5. The Media Arts Minor advisor must approve the program. Courses taken for the minor may count toward fulfilling General Education requirements, but not toward fulfilling the student's major.

For more information and advising, contact the Department of Media, Communications, and Journalism 559.278.2087.

Single Subject Credential

The Single Subject Matter Preparation Program in Art at California State University, Fresno includes (a) 42 semester units of core coursework in art subjects and related subjects that are commonly taught in departmentalized classes in California public schools and (b) 24 semester units of coursework that provide breadth and perspective to supplement the essential core of the program.

Catalog: Single Subject Credential - Art