Department of Art, Design and Art History
Integrated Design
The B.A. in Integrated Design allows students many unique opportunities in the field of design, helping them acquire skills in specific advanced technologies crucial to the design industry. The program prepares students for diverse design jobs in the industry right after graduation and also prepares students to go into a graduate M.A. or M.F.A. program.
Integrated Design, Major Requirements
1. Major requirements (69-70 units)
Lower-division requirements (33-34 units)
ARTH 10 and 11 (6 units)
ART 13 (3 units)
ART 20 or ID 43 (3 units)
ART 24 or 30 or 40 (3 units)
ART 14 or 50 or 60 (3 units)
GD 35 or ID 70 (3 units)
GD 37 or ID 77 (3 units)
GD 41 (3 units)
GD 42 or ID 71 (3-4 units)
Lower-division elective requirement (3 units)
Select from: GD 39, 50, 60; ID 7, 70
Upper-division requirements (15 units)
ART 116*; ID 111, 116, 120, 137
Upper-division electives (18 units)
Select from: ART 101, 125, 126, 127, 130, 133, 181, 182, 185, 186*, 188; ARTH 132, 136; GD 135, 142, 150, 153, 155, 157, 158, 159, 163, 165, 167, 169, 170, 171, 174; ID 113, 134, 136, 138, 149, 150, 152; MCJ 131S, 144, 146, 148
Culmination class (3 units)
Select from: GD 180 or ID 155
2. General Education requirements (49 units)
3. Other requirements (6 units)
Upper-division writing and Multicultural and International (MI)
4. Sufficient elective units to meet required total units (varies)
5. Total units (120)**
* See advisor for prerequisites.
** G.E. and MI courses can be double counted with major requirements. The writing
requirement may be met by taking the upper-division writing exam. This total indicates
that courses in G.E. Breadth C1 and G.E. Breadth E1 may be applied to the art major.
These courses include ARTH 10, 11; ART 20, 40, 50 (G.E. C1); ART 13 (G.E. E1). Consult
the department chair or faculty adviser for additional details.
Advising Notes
- All courses required for the major must receive a letter grade.
- Student work may be retained for a limited period for display and accreditation visits.
- The upper-division writing skills requirement can be met by passing the university examination or by completing a W course with a letter grade of C or higher, to be taken no sooner than the term in which 60 units are completed.
- A grade of C or higher in all graphic design coursework is necessary for successful completion of the major. Any course required as a prerequisite must be completed with a grade of C or better before registration in the subsequent course.