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Armenian Studies Program

Kazan Visiting Professors

The Henry S. Khanzadian Kazan Visiting Professorship in Armenian Studies

This specially designed endowment allows the Armenian Studies Program to invite, for one semester each year, an internationally recognized scholar in contemporary Armenian affairs. The distinguished professor teaches a single course on a subject related to modern Armenian history, including the Genocide of 1915 and the formation of the Armenian Republic. In addition, the scholar will present three public lectures on a single topic; these will be published as a volume in the Kazan Armenian Studies series.

Armenian Studies Program, Fresno State (2000-2025)

Talin Suciyan

Dr. Talin Suciyan
Spring 2025

21st Kazan Visiting Professor

Three Public Lectures:

"Family Archives of Armenian Genocide Survivors"

1) "Unwittingly Preserved for Over 100 years: Letters of Survival"
-Friday, January 31, 2025

b) "Preserved with Compassion: Collections of Hope"
-Friday, February 28, 2025

c) "Kept with Care: Letters from Purgatory"
-March 28, 2025


Simon Maghakyan

Dr. Simon Maghakyan
Fall 2024

20th Kazan Visiting Professor

Three Public Lectures:

a) "The Past of the Past: Armenian Heritage in Ottoman and Republican Turkey"
-September 27, 2024

b) "The Present of the Past: The State of Armenian Heritage in Turkey"
-October 11, 2024

c) "The Future of the Past: Pathways for Saving Armenian Vestiges in Turkey"
-November 8, 2024


Hrag Papazian

Dr. Hrag Papazian
Fall 2022

19th Kazan Visiting Professor

Three Public Lectures:

"Armenians and ‘Other Armenians’ in Contemporary Turkey"

a) "The Christian Armenian Community"
- September 9, 2022

b) "Muslim and Alevi Armenians"
- October 7, 2022

c) "The Migrants from Armenia"
-November 1, 2022

Suren Manukyan

Dr. Suren Manukyan
Fall 2021

18th Kazan Visiting Professor

Three Public Lectures:

a) "Architects of the Armenian Genocide: The Top-Level Perpetrators"
- September 17, 2021

b) "Bureaucrats of the Armenian Genocide: The Mid-Level Perpetrators"
- October 15, 2021

c) "Ordinary Killers of the Armenian Genocide: The Lower-Level Perpetrators"
- November 12, 2021

Ohannes Kilicdagi

Dr. Ohannes Kılıçdağı
Fall 2020

17th Kazan Visiting Professor

Three Public Lectures:

a) "'Living Together Requires Dying Together': Conscription of Armenians into the Ottoman Armenia after the 1908 Revolution"
- September 18, 2020

b) "Subjects or Citizens?: Armenians from the Ottoman Empire to the Turkish Republic"
- October 16, 2020

c) "The Armenian Patriarchate of Istanbul under the Light of the Last Crisis of the Patriarchal Election"
- November 16, 2020

Ari Sekeryan

Dr. Ari Şekeryan
Spring 2020

16th Kazan Visiting Professor

Three Public Lectures:

a) "An Untold Story of Survival: The Armenian Community in Istanbul during the Armistice Years (1918-1923)"
-February 7, 2020

b) "The Survivors: Armenian Orphans and Refugees after the First World War (1918-1923)" -March 5, 2020

c) "The Armenian Patriarchate, Politics and the Postwar Settlement in Istanbul: The Story of Patriarch Zaven" 
-April 2, 2020


Umit Kurt

Dr. Ümit Kurt
Fall 2018

15th Kazan Visiting Professor

Three Public Lectures:

a) "A Rescuer, an Enigma, and a Génocidaire: Cemal Pasha"
-September 21, 2018

b) "Proactive Local Perpetrators: Mehmet Yasin (Sani Kutluğ) and Ali Cenani" -October 16, 2018

c) "The Curious Case of Ahmed Necmeddin Bey: A Look into the Sociopolitical Climate in Aintab on the Eve of 1915" 
-November 6, 2018

Yektan Turkyilmaz

Dr. Yektan Türkyilmaz
Spring 2018

14th Kazan Visiting Professor

Three Public Lectures:

a) "Van/Vaspurakan Armenians: From Renaissance to Resistance and Genocide"- February 6, 2018

b) "Armenians on Records: Music Production from Homeland to Diasporas" -March 7, 2018

c) "(Re)-Evaluating the Decision-Making Processes in the Armenian Genocide" -April 17, 2018

Khatchig Mouradian

Dr. Khatchig Mouradian
Fall 2016

13th Kazan Visiting Professor

Three Public Lectures:

"Genocide and Resilience"

a) "Genocide and Humanitarian Resistance in Ottoman Syria: 1915-1917"- September 20, 2016

b) "'Don't Fall Off the Earth': The Armenian Communities in China from the 1880s to the 1950s" -October 20, 2016

c) "The Tale of Two Mid-Wives: The Notebooks of Siphora and Nuritza Shnorhokian of Aintab, 1890-1930" -November 30, 2016

Roberta Ervine

Dr. Roberta Ervine
Spring 2016

12th Kazan Visiting Professor

Three Public Lectures:

"In the Harsh Light of Genocide: Insights of Selected Armenian Thinkers”

a) "Armenians on Immortality" -February 29, 2016

b) "Armenians on What Matters Most" -March 30, 2016

c) "Holy Vengeance: Three Hierarchs of the Genocide Speak to America’s Armenians" -April 27, 2016

Myrna Douzjian

Dr. Myrna Douzjian
Spring 2015

11th Kazan Visiting Professor

Three Public Lectures:

"The Armenian Genocide in Film: Theoretical & Comparative Perspectives"

a) "The Genocide as Allegory in Serge Avedikian's Chienne d'histoire"-February 11, 2015

b) "Atom Egoyan's Ararat: Traumatic Histories and Transnational Identities"-March 19, 2015

c) "Reinventing the Genocide Documentary: Memories without Borders and Solemnity"-April 8, 2015

Sona Haroutyunian

Dr. Sona Haroutyunian
Spring 2013

10th Kazan Visiting Professor

Three Public Lectures:

"The Theme of the Armenian Genocide in Literature, Translation, and Cinema"

a) "The Armenian Genocide in Literature" -February 25, 2013

b) "The Armenian Genocide in Translation" -March 14, 2013

c) "The Armenian Genocide in Cinema" -April 10, 2013

Barlow Der Mugrdechian

Prof. Barlow Der Mugrdechian
Spring 2011

9th Kazan Visiting Professor

Two Public Lectures:

"Armenian-American Literature in English"

a) "Armenian-American Literature: The First Generation"
-February 23, 2011

b) "The Theme of Genocide in Twentieth Century Armenian-American Literature"-April 27, 2011

Abraham Terian

Dr. Abraham Terian
Spring 2010

8th Kazan Visiting Professor

Three Public Lectures:

"In the Darkness of the Genocide"

a) "Armenian Identity and the Genocide" –February 17, 2010

b) "The Loud Cry: Early Literary Responses to the Genocide"–March 11, 2010

c) "The Less-Known Victims of the Armenian Genocide" –April 29, 2010

George Bournoutian

Dr. George Bournoutian
Spring 2009

7th Kazan Visiting Professor

Three Public Lectures:

"The Armenian Church Under Foreign Rule: 16th-20th Centuries (Russia, South Asia, and Iran)"

a) "The Armenian Church Under Persian Rule: 1600-1800"
-March 3, 2009

b) "The Armenian Church under Russian Rule: 1600-1800"
-March 24, 2009

c) "The Armenian Church in South Asia: 1600-1800" -April 21, 2009

Levon Chookaszian

Dr. Levon Chookaszian
Fall 2006

6th Kazan Visiting Professor

Three Public Lectures:

"Armenian Massacres and Genocide Reflected in Armenian Art of the 20th Century"

a) "The Armenian Painters of Constantinople at the Turn of the 19th and 20th Centuries" -September 27, 2006

b) "Armenian Massacres and Genocide and the Liberation Movement as Reflected in Armenian Art" -October 18, 2006

c) Armenian Art Treasures Saved from the Genocide"-November 15, 2006

Dr. James Reid
Spring 2006

5th Kazan Visiting Professor

Three Public Lectures:

"Inner Dimensions of the Armenian Genocide"

a) "The Effect of World War I on the Human Psyche" -February 21, 2006

b) "The 'Death World' and its Influence on Victim Survivors" -March 22, 2006

c) "Symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Genocide Survivor Writing" -April 25, 2006

ara sanjian

Dr. Ara Sanjian
Fall 2003

4th Kazan Visiting Professor

Three Public Lectures:

"The Armenian Quest for Mountainous Karabagh Under Soviet Rule: 1923-1988"

a) "The Question of Mountainous Karabagh in Soviet Armenian Politics, 1923-1987" -September 24, 2003

b) "The Armenian Quest for Mountainous Karabagh and the Diaspora: 1923-1987" -October 15, 2003

c) "The Armenian Church Under Soviet Rule" -November 19, 2003

barbara merguerian

Dr. Barbara Merguerian
Fall 2002

3rd Kazan Visiting Professor

Three Public Lectures:

"The Armenian Question in United States Foreign Policy"

a) "The Impact of the American Missionaries" -October 22, 2002

b) "The Witness of the American Consulates" -November 12, 2002

c) "Isolationism vs. Internationalism in US Foreign Policy: The Case of Armenia" -December 6, 2002

robert hewsen

Dr. Robert Hewsen
Fall 2001

2nd Kazan Visiting Professor

Three Public Lectures:

"The Conversion of Armenia to Christianity"

a) "Armenia on the Eve of the Conversion" –October 4, 2001

b) "The Conversion of King Trdat: Reading Between The Lines"-November 1, 2001

c) "The Conversion of the Armenian People" –December 6, 2001

richard hovannisian

Dr. Richard Hovannisian
Fall 2000

1st Kazan Visiting Professor

Three Public Lectures:

"The Armenian Genocide  and Its Denial"

a) "Remembrance and Denial: The Armenian Genocide"- October 8, 2000

b) "The Last Generation of Ottoman Armenians: Bitter Sweet Memories" -October 30, 2000

c) "Historical Memory and Armenian Foreign Affairs" -December 5, 2000