Armenian Studies Program
Welcome to The Armenian Studies Program
The Armenian Studies Program was established in 1977 and the Center for Armenian Studies was founded in 1988. The Center provides an opportunity for students and faculty to interact and currently houses the Armenian Studies Program, the Sahatdjian Armenian Studies Library, the Avedian Armenian Studies Archives, the newspaper Hye Sharzhoom/Armenian Action, the Armenian Students Organization, and the Index of Armenian Art.
The Haig and Isabel Berberian Endowed Chair in Armenian Studies, established in the fall of 1988, is one of several Armenian Chairs in the United States and provides financial support for a distinguished Armenologist. The endowment honors Haig and Isabel Berberian and was established by their son-in-law and daughter, Dr. and Mrs. Arnold H. and Dianne Gazarian. Other friends of the Armenian Studies Program have made significant contributions to the endowment.
A Brief History of the Armenian Studies Program
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The Latest-Upcoming Events
The Philip Lorenz Keyboard Concert Series and Armenian Studies Program present
Pianist Svetlana Navasardyan
in Concert
Sunday, March 23, 2025
The Concert Hall, Fresno State
2380 E. Keats Ave
Tickets: $40 general; $30 senior; $5 student
Navasardyan Concert Tickets
"Kept with Care: Letters from Purgatory"
Dr. Talin Suciyan
Kazan Visiting Professor in Armenian Studies
Friday, March 28, 2025
Smittcamp Alumni House, Fresno State
2625 E. Matoian Way
Free admission. Free parking in Lots P 1 or P2.
"Denial of the Armenian Genocide in the Digital Age: Refashioning the “Events of 1915”
on the Internet and Beyond"
Dr. Bedross Der Matossian
Univ. of Nebraska, Lincoln
Friday, April 11, 2025
University Business Center, Fresno State
5245 N Backer Ave
Free admission. Free parking in Lots P 6 or P5.
Ralph Shabazian Endowed Armenian Memorial Fund Established with Gift of $700,000
Florence Elaine Hamparson Endowed Armenian Memorial Fund Established with Gift of $450,000
Armenian Genocide Monument Unveiled at Historic Ceremony
4,000 plus attended on Thursday, April 23, 2015 at Fresno State's Maple Mall
Photo by Paul Schlesinger, The Collegian
On Sunday, November 2, 2014 the Armenian Community of the San Joaquin Valley broke
ground on a Monument dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide.
The event began at 2:30 p.m. and took place at the Fresno State Maple Mall, located
south of the Satellite Student Union.
For more information, go to Armenian Genocide Centennial Committee-Fresno.