Department of Art, Design and Art History
Art Minor
The Art Minor consists of a minimum of 21 units of which 9 must be upper division.
A maximum of six units of CR/NC grading will be accepted.
ARTH 10 and 11(6 units)
ART 13 and 20(6 units)
ARTH elective (upper division) (3 units)
ARTH or studio electives (upper division) (6 units)
Total (21 units)
Note: The Art Minor also requires a 2.0 GPA and 6 upper-division units in residence.
Art History Minor
The Minor in Art History consists of 15 units in Art History, of which at least 9 units must be upper-division. Art History courses taken to satisfy the minor must be letter-graded.
Required Courses
Upper-Division (100-level) Art History coursework (9 units)
Art History electives (6 units)
Total (15 units)
Note: The Art History Minor also requires a 2.0 GPA and 6 upper-division units in residence. Students majoring in Art may not apply Art History coursework required for the B.A. in Art toward the Minor in Art History.
Media Arts Interdisciplinary Minor
Media arts is the study of the theories and techniques involved in computer animation, graphic design, video and audio production, digital photography, music composition, digital storytelling, and Web design. It brings students and faculty together in the key areas of art and design, music, and digital media production.
The Minor in Media Arts is a 20-21 unit program, with at least 12 upper-division units
taken in residence. Students in the minor must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.5. The
Media Arts Minor advisor must approve the program. Courses taken for the minor may
count toward fulfilling General Education requirements, but not toward fulfilling
the student's major.
Lower-Division Courses (8-9 units)
Select two courses from: ART 13, GD 35, MCJ 3, MUSIC 9
Select one course from: MUSIC 47, ART 30, ART 37, GD 37
Upper-Division Courses (12 units)
Select four courses from: ART 133, ART 185, ART 181, ART 188, MCJ 106, MCJ 112, MCJ 115, MCJ 131, MUSIC 147
Total (20-21 units)
For more information and advising, contact the Department of Media, Communications,
and Journalism 559.278.2087.
Open to Students in Other Majors
The Minor in Media Arts is also open to students pursuing degrees in other majors. These students will be required to take all the courses listed in the minor, for a total of 29 units. Students from other majors must seek approval from the chair of the Department of Media, Communications and Journalism, the Department of Music, or the Department of Art and Design.