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School of Music

Music Entrance Audition Requirements

The Fresno State School of Music Audition Day provides prospective students an opportunity to audition for the School of Music faculty and become eligible for music scholarships. (Instrumental students may be required to complete a studio audition at the beginning of the Fall semester)

Auditions for Instrumentalists, Vocalists and the Bulldog Beat will take place on the same day. Students who are auditioning for more than one area will be scheduled for separate audition times.

High school, transfer and graduate students who have applied for admission to Fresno State for the 2025-2026 academic year are eligible to audition.

Audition Days

Saturday, February 8, 2025, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (time and events subject to change)

Saturday, March 8, 2025, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (time and events subject to change)


  1. Select your instrument from the list below. Please read carefully as some instruments require different auditions for different degree programs.
  2. Register by filling out the Audition Form
  3. If you have questions regarding appropriate repertoire, please contact the faculty member listed for your instrument.


Ashlea Sheridan,

Audition Requirements


B-flat chromatic scale, 3 octaves

A major and E-flat major scales, 2 octaves


Prepare two selections in contrasting styles. One selection may be a standard etude. Select the most appropriate works to demonstrate your musicianship and technical skill. No accompaniment is necessary.

The following are examples (but not limited to the list) of standard repertoire.


Weissenborn, Advanced Studies

Milde, Concert Studies

Orefici, 20 Melodic Studies


Bach Cello Suites Nos. 1-4

Devienne, Sonata for Bassoon, Op, 24, Nos. 3 or 4

Mozart, Concerto in B-flat

Telemann, Sonata in F minor

Villa-Lobos, Ciranda Das Sete Notas

Vivaldi, any Bassoon Concerto

Vivaldi, Cello Sonata in B-flat Major RV 45

von Weber, Concerto in F major

von Weber, Andante and Hungarian Rondo


Dr. Thomas Loewenheim,


Audition Requirements

Two pieces in contrasting styles


Dr. Amelia Smith,

Audition Requirements

Undergraduate Audition Requirements

Please prepare the following: 

Major scales by memory, up to 4 sharps and 4 flats, slurred (2 or 3 octaves if possible).3-octave chromatic scale from low E, slurred.

Two contrasting etudes or movements from the same piece (without piano) that demonstrate lyrical and technical playing. 

Suggested etude & solo repertoire includes (but is not limited to):

Rose 32 or 40 Etudes, Hite Melodious & Progressive Studies, Voxman Selected Studies.
Hindemith Sonata, Weber Concertino, Saint-Säens Sonata, Tartini Concertino.

Graduate Audition Requirements

Please prepare the following:

All major and minor scales by memory, slurred (2 or 3 octaves if possible).

Two contrasting etudes or movements from the same piece (without piano) that demonstrate lyrical and technical playing.

Please also choose 3 standard orchestral excerpts to perform at your audition.

Suggested etude & solo repertoire includes (but is not limited to):

Rose 32 or 40 Etudes, Uhl 48 Studies, Jeanjean 18 Études.
Poulenc Sonata, Brahms Sonata Nos. 1 or 2, Mozart Concerto, Weber Concerto Nos. 1 or 2.

If you have any questions about your selections or excerpts, feel free to reach out to Dr. Smith via email.


Dr. Corey E. Whitehead,

YouTube Page

Audition Requirements

One etude

One concert work

One major scale (2-3 octaves)

One minor scale (2-3 octaves)

Audiation (pitch-matching)

Suggest repertoire includes: 

Any large work from the guitar, lute or vihuela repertoire from the Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, 20th Century, Flamenco


Dr. Maria Briggs,

Audition Requirements

Two classical solo songs (no choral solos or parts), one of which must be in a language other than English.

One song can also be a folk song or a musical theater piece.

An ascending and descending major scale.

All songs must be memorized and sung with piano accompaniment.

You will also have a short ear training test that includes a sight-singing excerpt and a pitch matching exercise

Accompaniment will be provided by our collaborative pianist Dr. Drew Quiring. Please forward your PDF accompaniments to him at least 2 weeks prior to your audition date:

Suggested repertoire includes songs from: 

26 Italian Art Songs & Arias (G. Paton, ed) or 24 Italian Art Songs (G. Schirmer)

Any art songs by German, French, English, American, Spanish composers

Opera arias

Check out these pages and links with many photos and videos of our student and faculty performances:

Fresno State Concert Choir - There Was A Time

Fresno State Concert Choir - Say Her Name

Fresno State Chamber Singers - Come to Me, My Love

Opera Theater FB page 

Art Song Festival FB page

YouTube - Fresno State La Bohème 1.31.25 cast

YouTube - Fresno State La Bohème 2.2.25 cast

YouTube - “Madama Butterfly” full production performance

YouTube - “Der Fledermaus” full production performance

YouTube - “Lucinda y las Flores de la Nochebuena” studio performance

YouTube - Hansel and Gretel opera production, 2023 ACT 1 - 2

YouTube - Hansel and Gretel opera production, 2023 ACT 3

Become a Fresno State voice major for a day! Contact Dr. Briggs - to arrange a day visit! Spend a day with our amazing professors and students: attend classes, rehearsals and performances!


Dr. Kenneth Froelich,

Audition Requirements

Students are required to audition and be accepted into their primary instrument or voice.

Students will be interviewed by composition faculty during audition day. This interview will review a portfolio of compositions. Additionally, students will be asked questions pertaining to their knowledge of 20th and 21st century concert music, music theory knowledge, and general musicianship.

For their portfolio, students should prepare the following:

• Three representative compositions. These scores should be notated, either in music notation software (i.e. Finale, Sibelius, etc.) or by hand. Compositions should demonstrate potential skill in music notation, basic instrumentation, and creative work. Scores should be printed either as PDF files or as bound scores.

• Audio recordings of each piece. Recordings may be MIDI realizations (for students applying to the MA program, MIDI is strongly discouraged). Recordings should all be included in Google Drive folder (or similar sharing platform) or on a single Audio CD.


Professor Bruce Bransby,


Audition Requirements

Two pieces in contrasting styles


Dr. Russ Zokaites,

Audition Requirements


Two-octave major scales with arpeggios up to four sharps and/or flats


1. Bordogni (Rochut), Melodious Etude of your choosing

2. One (1) work selected from or of comparable difficulty to the list below. Accompaniment is optional.

Telemann Sonata in F Minor

Guimant Morceau Symphonique

Barat Andante et Allegro

Barat Morceau de Concours

PV de la NUX Concert Piece

Capuzzi Andante and Rondo

Falcone Mazurka

Vaughan Williams Six Studies on the English Folk Song

Rachmaninoff Vocalise

Curnow Rhapsody


Dr. Angelica Ruiz-Nuby,

Audition Requirements

Undergraduate students:

Two etudes or pieces of contrasting styles.

Etude examples (or comparable):

Andersen Op. 33
Berbiguier etudes
Druoet 25 studies for Flute
Karg-Elert Caprices
Melodious and Progressive Studies revised by Robert Cavally (Book I or Book II)
Kohler Op. 66 Etudes
Boehm Etudes

Solo piece examples (or comparable)

Debussy Syrinx
Honegger Danse de la chevre
J.S. Bach Sonatas
Telemann Fantasias
J.S. Bach Partita in a minor or CPE Bach Sonata in a minor
Mozart Concerto in G major or D major
Any piece from the French Music by French Composers (edited by Louis Moyse)
Poulenc, Hindemith, Blavet or Handel Sonatas
Any piece from “24 Short Concert Pieces” revised by Robert Cavally (Southern)
Any piece from “Concert and Contest Collection for C flute” (Voxman)

Graduate students:

Same requirements as above with the addition of 2-3 contrasting orchestral excerpts

Some examples include:

Brahms Symphony no.1 or Brahms Symphony no. 4
Mendelssohn Midsummer Night’s Dream
Beethoven Overture no. 3 Leonore
Ravel Daphnis et Chloe Suite no. 2
Debussy Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun

(*most of the above pieces/etudes/excerpts are available online as free pdfs (


Dr. Thomas Hiebert,

Audition Requirements

Perform the Bb, G, and F major scales over two octaves, and the chromatic scale from your lowest to highest note.

Perform two contrasting solos or etudes or portions thereof, one demonstrating your technical and one demonstrating your lyrical ability.  No accompaniment is necessary for solos.

Sing the first couple of phrases (approx. 16 measures) of one of the above solos or etudes.

Suggest repertoire includes:

Suggested etudes: Kopprasch, Maxime-Alphonse, Kling, Schantl/Pottag, Gallay, or similar.

Suggested solos:  Beethoven, Horn Sonata;  W.A. Mozart, Concertos 1 & 3;  C. Saint-Saëns, Romance or Morceau de concert;  R. Gliere, Intermezzo, Valse Triste, or Nocturne;  F. Strauss, Nocturno or Concerto;  R. Strauss, Concerto No. 1;  B. Heiden, Horn Sonata;  Glazinov, Reverie , or similar.


Ms. Laura Porter,


Audition Requirements

Two contrasting solos -- original repertoire for harp preferred. At least one piece should be memorized. Suggest a solo work by Grandjany, Renié, Tournier or Salzedo.

Suggest repertoire includes:

It is acceptable to include one transcription of a Baroque work by Scarlatti, Bach, Couperin, or Rameau, or any Classical composer.


Mr. Richard Lloyd Giddens

Audition Requirements

Please prepare 3 songs of contrasting styles, 1 must have a swing feel, and 1 must be a ballad, the third is up to you.

Please be able to perform the melody, walk or accompany the songs as needed by the music. Also, please be prepared to solo on each tune. You can use backing tracks or a live band, etc.

** If you are unable to come to campus for a live audition please submit a VIDEO recording of you performing the prepared pieces for your instrument.

•• Please state your NAME and ID# at the beginning of your video audition.

Suggest repertoire includes:

Just about anything from the Great American Songbook, or most Jazz Standards will suffice.


Mark Ferber,

Audition Requirements

  • Please prepare 3 songs of contrasting styles, 1 must have a swing feel, and 1 must be a ballad, the third is up to you.
  • Please be able to sing the melody, play the time or groove as needed by each song. Also, please be prepared to solo on each tune and or trade bars. You can use backing tracks or a live band, etc.
  • Ability to demonstrate 3 rudiments - paradiddle, flamacue, 9 stroke roll
  • Identify 3 Jazz drummers

** If you are unable to come to campus for a live audition please submit a VIDEO recording of you performing the prepared pieces for your instrument.

•• Please state your NAME and ID# at the beginning of your video audition.

Suggest repertoire includes:

Just about anything from the Great American Songbook, or most Jazz Standards will suffice.


Dr. Corey Whitehead,

Audition Requirements

1) Perform one solo arrangement (chord-melody)
2) Perform one standard with accompaniment, backing track is ok.
3) Read a few melodic examples from the real books.
4) Demonstrate knowledge of Major and minor scales (three forms) with arpeggios.


Mr. Craig VonBerg,

Audition Requirements

Major/minor scale proficiency

Can form Maj7, min7 and 7 chords in root position

Can name 7 jazz artists who you are inspired by and why.

Play 1 standard and 1 blues.

Suggest repertoire includes:

Monk tune

Evans tune

Hancock tune

Parker tune

Coltrane tune


Dr. Alan Durst,

Audition Requirements

Major and chromatic scales, full range

Prepare three standard songs/jazz standards representing a variety of key centers, tempos, and rhythmic format.  Applicants must perform the melody and demonstrate improvisational skills.  Performance by memory is strongly encouraged.  You may use backing tracks or other accompanying materials. 

Suggest repertoire includes:

It is recommended that repertoire be selected from the Great American Songbook.


Dr. Russ Zokaites,

Facebook - Fresno State Jazz Studies

Audition Requirements

Please prepare 3 songs of contrasting styles, 1 must have a swing feel, and 1 must be a ballad, the third is up to you.

Please be able to perform the melody (from memory, if possible), and be prepared to solo on each tune. You can use backing tracks or a live band, etc.

** If you are unable to come to campus for a live audition please submit a VIDEO recording of you performing the prepared pieces for your instrument.

•• Please state your NAME and ID# at the beginning of your video audition.

Suggest repertoire includes:

Just about anything from the Great American Songbook or most Jazz Standards will suffice.


Max Hembd,

Facebook - Fresno State Jazz Studies

Audition Requirements

Please prepare 3 songs of contrasting styles, 1 must have a swing feel, and 1 must be a ballad, the third is up to you.

Please be able to perform the melody (from memory, if possible), and be prepared to solo on each tune. You can use backing tracks or a live band, etc.

** If you are unable to come to campus for a live audition please submit a VIDEO recording of you performing the prepared pieces for your instrument.

•• Please state your NAME and ID# at the beginning of your video audition.

Suggest repertoire includes:

Just about anything from the Great American Songbook, or most Jazz Standards will suffice.


Heidi Yi,

Audition Requirements

Two contrasting solos

Suggest repertoire includes:

Handel, Telemann, St. Saens, Hindemith sonatas. Cimarosa, Marcello, Telemann or other concerti.


Dr. Matthew Darling,

Audition Requirements

I. Snare Drum

A. Etude or Solo (one from list rep list below or choose your own)

B. Long roll, closed. Start ‘pp’, crescendo to ‘ff’, decrescendo to ‘pp’. 30 seconds.

C. 3 Rudiments:  Selected from the “PAS 40” or “Standard 26”

D. Sight reading

II. Mallets

A. Solo or Etude, 2 or 4 mallets

B. Scales & Arpeggios: Major (up to 4 #s/bs). Three octaves.

C. Sight reading

III. Timpani

A. Solo or Etude

B. Tuning: Ability to tune drums accurately and match pitch with voice

Suggest repertoire includes:

I. Snare Drum (one solo/etude): Portraits in Rhythm (Cirone); The Solo Snare Drummer (Firth); Intermediate Snare Drum Studies (#15 – #32) (Peters); Representative etude or solo of your choice

II. Mallets (one solo):

A1. 2 Mallets: Masterpieces for Marimba (McMillan);  Representative etude or solo of your choice

A2. Mallets: Yellow After the Rain (Peters); Rain Dance (Gomez); Ghanaia (Schmitt); Libertango (Sammut);  Concerto #1 for Marimba - one movement of choice (Rosauro); Representative etude or solo of your choice

Timpani (one solo/etude): Fundamental Method for Timpani (Etudes 19-63) (Peters); Exercises, Etudes and Solos for Timpani (pgs 127-158) (Carroll); Representative etude or solo of your choice


Dr. Peter Klimo,

Audition Requirements

Two works for solo piano composed within any two of the following time periods:

  • Baroque (1600 - 1750)
  • Classical (1750 - 1820)
  • Romantic (1820 - 1900)
  • 20th Century (1900 - 2000)
  • Contemporary (2000 on)

Both pieces should be memorized. You may be asked to sight read as well.


Dr. Alan Durst, 

Audition Requirements

Major and chromatic scales, full range

Two movements or etudes of contrasting style and tempo or one larger work from the standard repertoire

Suggest repertoire includes:

Paule Maurice: Tableaux de Provence

Henri Eccles: Sonata

Paul Creston: Sonata for Alto Saxophone and Piano

Alexander Glazunov: Concerto for Alto Saxophone

Darius Milhaud: Scaramouche

Eugene Bozza: Aria

Voxman: Selected Studies

W. Ferling: 48 Famous Studies

M. Mule: Etudes Variees


Dr. Russ Zokaites,

Audition Requirements

1. Bordogni (Rochut), Melodious Etude of your choosing

2. One (1) work selected from or of comparable difficulty to the list below. Accompaniment is optional.

Suggest repertoire includes:

Tenor Trombone:

Barat Andante et Allegro

Boda Sonatina

Galliard Sonata No. 1

Guilmant Morceau Symphonique

Gregson Divertimento

Sandstrom, Song for Lotta

Saint-Saëns Cavatine

Sulek Sonata vox Gabrieli

Weber Romance

David, Concertino (first page)

Bass Trombone:

Hindemith Drei leichte Stücke

Lebedev Concerto in One Movement

McCarty Sonata

Lassen/Bollinger 2 Fantasy Pieces

Galliard/Mortimer Sonata #1

Semler-Collery, Barcarolle et chanson bachique

Tcherepnin, Andante

Warburton Among Us.


Dr. Nathan Sobieralski,

Audition Requirements

1. Perform contrasting solos and/or etudes (two selections).  These can be any combination of a movement from a concerto/sonata and or etudes from the standard repertoire.

2. Sing a short phrase from any of your submitted audition materials.  For instance, if you chose to perform Haydn mvmt II you can sing the first statement of the melody.  I am not looking for amazing vocal work, just a demonstration that you can match pitch and carry a tune.  

Suggested repertoire:


Haydn- Concerto for Trumpet

Hummel- Concerto for Trumpet

Kent Kennan- Sonata

Halsey Stevens- Sonata

Brandt- Concertpiece No. 2

Geodicke- Concert Etude


Charlier 36 etudes

Bousquet 36 etudes

Brandt 34 etudes

Wurm 20 studies

Wurm 40 studies


Cody Forcier,

Audition Requirements

2 major scales up to 4 sharps and 4 flats, 2 octaves minimum. Scales to be chosen by audition panel.

Chromatic scale showcasing your entire range.

Two contrasting pieces/etudes from the standard literature.

Sight reading will be required.

Please provide copies of the chosen repertoire for the audition panel.

Suggest repertoire includes:

Blazhevich - 70 Studies

Bordogni - Vocalises

Kopprasch - 60 Selected Studies

Tyrell - Advanced Studies

Hindemith - Sonate

Gregson - Tuba Concerto

Hartley - Suite for Unaccompanied Tuba


Dr. Limor Toren-Immerman,


Audition Requirements

Two pieces in contrasting styles



Dr. Limor Toren-Immerman,

YouTube, 2nd YouTube

Audition Requirements

Two pieces in contrasting styles

Music Theory Diagnostic

As part of the audition process, you will take a brief diagnostic to assess your basic written theory and aural skills.

Topics covered include:

  • Identify note names in treble and bass clef, with key signatures and accidentals.
  • Recognize and write major key signatures up to 5 sharps and/or 5 flats in treble and bass clef.
  • Identify note names on the piano keyboard including enharmonic spelling
  • Identify rhythmic value equivalences (for example: 1 half note+ 1 quarter notes + 2 eighth notes = 1 whole note, etc.)
  • Identify a basic rhythm being clapped.
  • Write out a short melodic pattern that is played for you. 

Music Theory Diagnostic Sample