School of Music
Undergraduate Degrees
Bachelor of Music
Each student seeking a Bachelor of Music degree must fulfill the Pre-Music Major requirements and all requirements listed under the music degree option which is the student's major field of study. Students must also fulfill the university's General Education Requirements (48 units), including remaining music degree requirements and Other School of Music Requirements to complete the B.M. (minimum 120-132 units). Each music major must consult with a designated music faculty adviser each semester before they may enroll in music classes.
Current Degree Options
- Composition
- Instrumental Performance
- Jazz Studies
- Music Education (pre-certification)
- Music Ed Barrier
- Vocal Performance
Students must consult their general catalog and the School of Music Undergraduate Handbook for major requirements.
- Music 20 Advising Worksheet
- BM Instrumental Performance
- BM Jazz Studies
- BM Composition
- BA Music Ed Choral/Vocal
- BM Music Education
- BA Music Ed Instrumental
- BM Vocal Performance
Pre-Music Major
Admission into the Pre-Music Major is a two-step process: (1) admission to the university; (2) successful music audition and acceptance into an instrument or voice studio. Students may apply for admission into one of the Bachelor of Music degree options (Music Education, Instrumental Performance, Vocal Performance, Jazz Studies, or Composition) the semester during which they will complete all Pre-Music Major coursework. Approval will be contingent upon satisfactory fulfillment of the prerequisites and the grade point average standard. Students who fail to complete all coursework in the Pre-Music Major and/or do not pass Jury I or the Composition Jury in two attempts will not be permitted to continue in the Pre-Music Major.
Bachelor of Arts in Music
Major Admission
Entrance examinations in music theory and aural skills and auditions in the declared performing medium are required of all freshmen and transfer music majors. Admission to the B.M. and the B.A. in Music is contingent upon audition and availability. Detailed information regarding entrance and degree requirements is available in the School of Music Undergraduate Student Handbook. No General Education Integration course offered by the School of Music may be used to satisfy the General Education requirements for majors in the school.