College of Arts and Humanities
Arts and Humanities Advisory Board
The Arts and Humanities Advisory Board (AHAB) consists of carefully selected community members who are willing to make a personal commitment to support the College of Arts and Humanities.
The goal of the AHAB is to create and promote a positive image for, and understanding of, the College of Arts and Humanities. The board actively engages in increasing funding for the College, enhancing our student enrollment, recognizing and rewarding student accomplishments, and expanding linkages between the College and the Central Valley’s art, cultural, and educational institutions.
Each year the board organizes and undertakes special projects and events in support of the College and to accomplish the above objectives. The board sponsors the annual Arts in Motion banquet to celebrate student excellence by honoring students nominated by each department for the Dean’s undergraduate and graduate medals. The event also showcases the academic and artistic accomplishments of the students of our College’s students. See the Advisory Board Bylaws.
Advisory Board Membership Statement
In order to successfully carry out your role as a member of the Arts and Humanities Advisory Board and to demonstrate commitment to the mission of the College, we ask that you provide meaningful support as well as meaningful involvement during your term of service.
Contribution of Expertise and Insightful Stewardship
- Demonstrate a willingness to be involved
- Accept the role of advocating and volunteering for the College
- Share your love for the arts and humanities, your talents, associations/networks, time and energy to benefit the College, its students, faculty and programs, and its Mission of intellectual and artistic exploration.
Contribution of Time
- Attendance at bi-monthly Board meetings (8 meetings per year)
- Active engagement with at least one project, activity, or subcommittee
- Active participation in the Annual Banquet honoring student accomplishments, Arts in Motion, by hosting a table of eight, serving on planning committees, selling tickets, etc.
Contribution of Financial Support
- There is no minimum contribution or membership level
- Board members are expected to support the college to whatever extent that can be considered significant and meaningful to them.