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College of Arts and Humanities

Giving to the College of Arts and Humanities

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Dean's Council Annual Fund

Become a sustaining member today of the Dean's Council Annual Fund, and your monthly donation will ensure that arts and humanities education at Fresno State will thrive, both for today's students and future generations.

It's easy! Choose your giving level, and your contribution is automatically deducted at convenient intervals that you choose - weekly, monthly or quarterly. 

Become a Dean's Council Member today!

We invite you to join our Dean's Council, an annual giving program composed of distinguished alumni and friends who strive to promote and support the College of Arts and Humanities mission of intellectual and artistic exploration. Your annual donation to the Dean's Council will be divided evenly into two areas:

  1. Dean's Council Scholarship Endowment: Provides scholarships and student assistance
  2. Dean's Discretionary Fund: Provides curriculum enrichment, research and travel funding for students and faculty, technological and artistic support, as well as funding for the unique and unexpected needs of the College

All Dean's Council members will receive:

  • Invitation to the State of the College annual reception where the Dean will share updates of the past academic year and the vision for the future
  • Acknowledgment in annual Arts in Motion: Celebrating Student Excellence program
  • Subscription to the bi-annual Dean's Council e-newsletter

Current Student - $60+

GOLD Alumni (Graduates of the Last Decade) - $120+

Member - $250-$499

Patron - $500-$999

Benefactor - $1,000 - $2,499

Leader - $2,500+

It's easy!

Ways to Give

Give Online

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Give by Mail

Please mail check payable to Fresno State Foundation to:

College of Arts and Humanities
Development Office
2380 E. Keats Avenue
M/S MB99
Fresno CA 93740-8024

Other Ways to Support Fresno State