College of Arts and Humanities
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- Art, Design, and Art History
- Matthew Hopson-Walker

Matthew Hopson-Walker
Assistant Professor
Art, Design, and Art History | 559.278.4990 | Office: Conley Art 229
- 2003 MFA Printmaking, School of Art and Art History, University of Iowa
- 2002 MA Printmaking, School of Art and Art History, University of Iowa
- 1998 BFA Printmaking, Kansas City Art Institute
- 1997 Ox-Bow School of the Art Institute of Chicago Summer Program, Saugatuck, Michigan
Courses Taught
- ART 24 - Beginning Printmaking
- ART 124 - Relief
- ART 125 - Lithography
- ART 126 - Intaglio
- ART 127 - Screenprinting
- ART 128 - Advanced Printmaking
- ART 224 - Graduate Printmaking
- ART 240 - Graduate Seminar
Born and raised in Fresno California, Matthew Hopson-Walker grew up reading comic books and dystopian science fiction novels. During a formative age he was exposed to movies such as Mad Max, Total Recall, Escape From New York, Blade Runner, and The Omega Man and many themes with in them show up in his work. After working as a janitor for several years he matriculated to the Kansas City Art Institute and received his BFA in Printmaking in 1998. After graduating he and a friend opened their own gallery and screen printing business. To support himself and his heavy metal bass playing “career” he worked as a print technician at his alma mater, did construction, bounced and bussed at various bars, delivered mail and cashiered at liquor stores. These jobs influenced his general misanthropic outlook on humanity and the images he makes as an artist.
In 2002 he completed his MA followed by his MFA in 2003 both from the University of Iowa. In 2006 he was recipient of the prestigious James D. Phelan Award in Printmaking given by the San Francisco Foundation and administered by the KALA Institute. Matt has been included in over 220 juried or group exhibitions and 14 solo shows since 2006. His work is in the collections of the Franklin Furnace Artist Book Collection at the Museum Of Modern Art in New York, the University of North Dakota Art Collections in Grand Forks North Dakota, the Amity Art Foundation in Woodbridge Connecticut, the Stonehouse Residency for the Contemporary Arts in Miramonte California, the Drawing and Print Collection at The University of Iowa Museum Of Art, and the Tama Art University Museum in Tokyo Japan.
Matthew Hopson-Walker is assistant professor in printmaking at Fresno State University. He has twice been an instructor at the nationally renowned Frogman’s Print and Paper Summer Workshop, first in Vermillion South Dakota and then Omaha Nebraska in the summer of 2017. Matt has been a visiting artist and lecturer at Colorado Mesa University, University of Texas Permian Basin, Northern Illinois University, Murray State University, Emporia State University, University of Alabama, University of South Indiana, Youngstown State University, Muhlenberg College, Kutztown University, Westminster College, South East Missouri State University, Oregon State University, University of North Carolina-Pembroke, Arizona State University, Middle Tennessee State University, and California State University-Chico. Giving demonstrations involving his knowledge of screen printing, lithography, intaglio, and prints that combine more than one technique.
Solo Exhibitions
A Tower of Ashes Built, Art Gallery, Porterville College, Porterville, California
2019 Best of Show, Solo Exhibition, Merced Multicultural Art Center, Merced, California
Empires of Commerce, Merced College Art Gallery, Merced, California
How Well We Learn to Deceive with Truth, Galeria Unidad Apodaca de Relaciones Culturales, Cd Apodaca, N.L.
How Well We Learn to Deceive with Truth, Universidad Autonoma De Nuevo Leon, Facultad de Aruitectura Barrio Antiguo, Monterrey N.L. Mexico
Corporate Totalitarian Dystopia, Colorado Mesa University, Mesa, Colorado
All Not Prepared to Surrender the Institution, PaperWorkers Local, Gallery 2717 Birmingham, Alabama
The Nuclear Priesthood Juried Solo Exhibition, Juried Solo Show, College of the Sequoias Art Gallery, Visalia, California
Desperate Revelations of Time, Max Von Isser Gallery, Elgin Community College, Elgin, Illinois
They Shall Watch As It Falls, Gallery 5, M Street Art Complex, Fresno, California
The Scavenger’s Fever Dream, Corridor 2122, Fresno, California
The Land in Use: Matthew Hopson-Walker and Matthew Rangle, Merced College Art Gallery, Merced College, Merced, California
2007 Best of Show, Solo Exhibition, Merced Multicultural Art Center, Merced, California
Supplication to that Which Lies Between, Pro Arts Gallery, Oakland, California
That Day Will Come Upon You Unexpected, Fine Arts Gallery, Community College of Southern Nevada, Las Vegas, Nevada
Arms Race ‘Cause Here Comes the Snakes’, Arts Visalia Gallery, Visalia, California
Beyond Names and Forms, Fine Art Gallery, College of the Siskiyou, Weed, California
Juried and Invitational Exhibitions
Narrative: Artists as Storytellers, Four Person Exhibition, Arts Visalia Gallery, Visalia, California
Fresno Printmakers’ Guild Spring Exhibition, Ferrari Gallery, Carnegie Arts Center, Turlock, California
Decennial Celebration Red Press Collaborative Exhibition, Columbus Printed Arts Center, Columbus, Ohio
TRUMPED 2, Showcase Gallery, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee
20 Years of Marais Press: Imprinting a Campus and Collection, Hilliard Art Museum, Lafayette, Louisiana
Fresno Printmakers’ Guild Winter Exhibition and Print Sale, Gazebo Gardens, Fresno, California
Moving On, The Union Gallery, University of North Texas, Denton, Texas
Fresno Printmakers’ Guild 2021 Print Exhibition, Kings Art Center, Hanford, California
Decennial Celebration Red Press Collaborative Exhibition, Foster Art Gallery, Westminster College, Westminster, Ohio
TRUMPED 2, Gallery FAB, University of Missouri - St. Louis, St. Louis Missouri
Decennial Celebration Red Press Collaborative Exhibition, John J. McDonough Museum of Art, Youngstown State University, Youngstown, Ohio
For Rosalie, Eggcups & Curated Exhibition, MAINSITE Contemporary Art
Norman, Oklahoma
For Rosalie, Eggcups & Curated Exhibition, Ruddell Gallery, Black Hills State University, Spearfish, South Dakota
7th Annual International Juried Print Exhibition, Remarque/New Grounds Print Workshop Gallery, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Triton 2019 Statewide 2D Competition and Exhibition, Triton Museum, Santa Clara California
Paper West 2nd National Works on Paper Juried Exhibition, Gittins Gallery University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah
17th Annual Juried Art Exhibition, Grace Gallery, Mills River, North Carolina
72nd Gilpin County Arts Annual Juried Exhibition, County Arts Association Gallery Central City, Colorado
13th California Centered: Juried Printmaking Exhibition, Merced Multicultural Art Center, Merced, California
6th Annual Living Mark, Verum Ultimum Art Gallery, Portland Oregon
EXCELSIOR! National Juried Exhibition, H Gallery, Ventura, California
The Collection Show, Safety-Kleen Gallery, Elgin Community College, Elgin, Illinois
Making a Mark: Printmaking Experience, M Street Gallery, Fresno California
Fresno Printmakers Guild 30th Anniversary, Vernissage Gallery, Fresno, California
Trumped, University of Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha, Nebraska
RectoVerso, Salt Lake State University, Salt Lake City, Utah
Black Arts Tarot 1: Major Arcana, University of Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha, Nebraska
Black Arts Tarot 1: Major Arcana, The Washington Pavilion, Sioux Falls, South Dakota
2018 Screenprint Juried Biennial, Opalka Gallery, Sage College, Albany, New York
33rd Annual International Exhibition, Meadows Gallery, University of Texas at Tyler, Tyler, Texas
The Chautauqua Exhibition National Juried Exhibition: Transformations, Giles Gallery, Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, Kentucky
23rd Arts in Harmony 2018 Annual International Juried Exhibition, Hopkins Center for the Arts, Hopkins, Minnesota
Impressions 2018 National Juried Printmaking Exhibition, Sarah Silberman Art Gallery, Montgomery College, Rockville, Maryland
Gulf Coast Contemporary: Selected Works from Artists in Alabama Tennessee Valley Museum of Art, Tuscumbia, Alabama
Do It 2018 – Independent Curators International, Mobile Museum of Art, Mobile, Alabama
PRINTWORK 2017 – National Juried Exhibition, Artists Image Resource, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
5th Annual International Juried Print Exhibition, Remarque/New Grounds Print Workshop Gallery, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Boston Printmakers 2017 National Biennial, Lunder Arts Center, Lesley University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Chasing Ghosts II National Juried Exhibition, Verum Ultimum Art Gallery, Portland Oregon
2017 National Juried Exhibition, Bonfield Gallery, Crooked Tree Arts Center, Petoskey, Michigan
Ink Only – A Regional Juried Exhibition of Contemporary Prints, PaperWorkers Local, Gallery 2717, Birmingham, Alabama
Scratching the Surface, National Juried Exhibition, Verum Ultimum Art Gallery Portland, Oregon
BAAE Art: 2017 Work Juried Show, Mobile Museum of Art, Mobile, Alabama
2017 Delta National Small Prints Juried Exhibition, Bradbury Art Museum, Arkansas State University, Jonesboro, Arkansas
37th Annual National Print Exhibition, Artlink Contemporary Gallery, Fort Wayne, Indiana
Future Tellers, National Juried Exhibition, Gallery 114, Portland Oregon
25th Parkside National Small Print Exhibition, Parkside Art Galleries, University of Wisconsin-Parkside, Kenosha, Wisconsin
7th Annual National Juried Show, Gallery 110, Seattle, Washington
36th Bradley International Juried Print and Drawing Exhibition, Bradley University Gallery, Heuser Art Center, Peoria, Illinois
Printmaking NOW – National Juried Show, Umpqua Valley Arts Association Gallery Roseburg, Oregon
45th International Juried Art Show, Brownsville Museum of Fine Art, Brownsville, Texas
2017 Art at the Center National Juried Exhibition, Tomahawk Ridge Community Center Overland Park, Kansas
imPressed National Juried Printmaking Exhibition, Art Gym Gallery, Denver Colorado
Paper Works National Juried Exhibition, H Gallery, Ventura, California
The Shape of Print to Come, National Juried Portfolio Exhibition, Souther Graphics Council International, Conference Hotel, Atlanta, Georgia
Paper Works National Juried Exhibition, Fort Works Art Gallery, Fort Worth, Texas
Spectrum National Juried Exhibition, Cade Art Gallery, Anne Arundel Community College, Arnold, Maryland.
2017 Printmaking Invitational, Bill Ford Gallery, Paducah School of Art and Design, Paducah, Kentucky
Crooked Tree Arts Center National Invitational Exhibition, Petoskey Public Library, Petoskey, Michigan
Hot-N-Ready Print Portfolio Exchange, Foster Art Gallery, Westminster College, New Wilmington, PA,
Hot-N-Ready Print Portfolio Exchange, A.D. Gallery, University of North Carolina at Pembroke, Pembroke, NC
Hot-N-Ready Print Portfolio Exchange, PrintSpace, Wichita State University, Kansas
Rescue Me Regional Group Exhibition, Eichold Gallery, Springhill College, Mobile Alabama
The Fantastic Four: A Compendium of Fine Art Prints and Print Techniques Bell Library, Texas A&M University Corpus Christi,
Sateen Duralux, Ivy Tech John Waldron Art Center, Bloomington, Indiana
Sateen Duralux, UNO Criss Library, Osborne Family Gallery, Omaha, Nebraska
Sateen Duralux, Lilly Library, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana
Sateen Duralux, Kurt Vonnegut Museum and Library, Indianapolis, Indiana
2017 Printmaking Invitational, Nancy Fyfe Cardozier Gallery, University of Texas Permian Basin, Odessa, Texas