College of Arts and Humanities

John Boyle
Associate Professor
- 2007 Ph.D. in Linguistics 2007, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois. Ph.D. Dissertation: Hidatsa Morpho-Syntax and Clause Structure. Committee: Jason Merchant (Chair), Amy Dahlstrom, Catherine Rudin, Jerrold Sadock, Michael Silverstein.
- 1999 M.A. in Linguistics, 1999. University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois. M.A. Thesis: Switch-Reference and Clause Structure in Hidatsa. Advisors: Amy Dahlstrom, Randolph Graczyk
- 1997 M.A. in Linguistics, 1997. University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. Graduate Paper: A Preliminary Examination of Switch-Reference in the Traditional Hidatsa Texts Collected by Robert H. Lowie. Advisors: Mauricio Mixco, Edward Rubin
- 1992 Secondary Teaching Certification, 1992. Westminster College, Salt Lake City, Utah Teaching Endorsement in History and English, grades 7 – 12.
- 1990 B.A. in History, 1990. University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Courses Taught
- LING 10 - Introduction to Language
- LING 11 - Linguistics for Teachers
- LING 138 - History of the English Language
- LING 140T - Morphology
- LING 143 - Syntax
- LING 151 - Languages of the World
- LING 154 - Field Linguistics
- LING 243 - Seminar in Syntax
- LING 249 - Field Methods