College of Arts and Humanities

Debbie Maria Ávila
Modern and Classical Languages and Literatures | 559.278.6616 | Office: Peters Business Bldg. 335
Twentieth Century Spanish and Portuguese Literatures, University of California, Irvine,
expected March 2005. Ph.D. exams were comprised of all genres of 20th Century Spanish
Literature, with a minor emphasis in 20th Century Luso-Brazilian Novel. Advanced
to candidacy Fall 1999.
Study abroad, Entre Culturas / Viver Portugal: 1997 Summer Program in Lisbon, Portugal.
Spent the summer studying Portuguese language, history, culture and literature.
Spanish and Latin American Literatures, University of California, Irvine, Winter 1997.
Spanish, minor in French, California State University, Sacramento, Fall 1994
Study abroad, California State University International Programs at the University
of Madrid, Spain, Fall 1992-Spring 1993. Spent academic year studying Spanish and
Latin American literature, art, history, grammar, linguistics and economics.