College of Arts and Humanities

María Dolores Morillo
Associate Professor
Modern and Classical Languages and Literatures | (559) 278-6122 | Office: PB 435
Ph.D. in Spanish (Columbia University)
M.A. in Spanish (Ohio University)
B.A. in English (Universidad de Sevilla)
Courses Taught
SPAN 121A Spanish Composition A
SPAN 121B Spanish Composition B
SPAN 140 Introduction to Literary Analysis
SPAN 142 Introduction to Spanish Literature
SPAN 148T ‘¿Tan largo me lo fiáis?’: The Myth of Don Juan from El burlador de Sevilla to the Present
SPAN 148T The Exemplary Novels of Cervantes and María de Zayas
SPAN 149 The Golden Age
SPAN 170 Discourses of Monstrosity in Baroque Narrative
SPAN 216 Golden Age Comedia
SPAN 218T Early Modern Women: “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly”: Female Representations in Early Modern Spain”
SPAN 222 Cervantes
SPAN 249 The Golden Age