Armenian Studies Program
Image 100 of 157
The Tarsus-Pozanti road, leading from the city of Tarsus into Cappadocia, as it passes through the Taurus Mountains near the Cilician Gates. (August 21, 2003 - A2:8.)
Image 101 of 157 The Red Church (Kızıl Kilise), in Cappadocia near Sivrihisar, a forerunner of the classical Armenian church, exterior, looking northwest (5th or 6th Century). (June 15, 2004 - A2:1.) -
Image 102 of 157 The Red Church (Kızıl Kilise), in Cappadocia near Sivrihisar, exterior, looking southeast (5th or 6th Century). (June 15, 2004 - A3:8.) -
Image 103 of 157 The Red Church (Kızıl Kilise), in Cappadocia near Sivrihisar, interior, dome (5th or 6th Century). (June 15, 2004 - A2:6.) -
Image 104 of 157 Landscape of cones and chasms, destination of pilgrims (10th Century?), in a desert region of Cappadocia. (August 9, 2004 - B14:8.)