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Armenian Studies Program

Churches of Cilicia

churches of cilicia

Image 75 of 157

Armenian Cathedral in Tarsus (now the Baytimur Camii, or Church-Mosque) exterior, looking northeast toward the cathedral’s main entrance and west facade (12th Century?). (August 15, 2002 - B18:3.)


  • Armenian Cathedral in Tarsus
    Image 76 of 157 Armenian Cathedral in Tarsus (now the Baytimur Camii, or Church-Mosque), interior, looking east toward the cathedral’s apse (12th Century). (August 15, 2002 - A16:5.)
  • Inscription, in the Armenian language
    Image 77 of 157 Inscription, in the Armenian language, on the lintel above the entrance to the chamber on the left (north) side of the apse of the Armenian Cathedral in Tarsus (12th Century?). (August 19, 2003 - B1:7.)
  • Inscription, in the Armenian language - 2
    Image 78 of 157 Inscription, in the Armenian language, on the lintel above the entrance to the chamber on the right (south) side of the apse of the Armenian Cathedral in Tarsus (12th Century?). (August 19, 2003 - B1:4.)
  • Armenian Church of Surp Boğos (Saint Paul)
    Image 79 of 157 Armenian Church of Surp Boğos (Saint Paul), in the Armenian Quarter of Tarsus, near Tarsus American School, exterior, looking southwest toward the north wall and exterior faces of its apse and flanking chambers (19th Century?). (August 20, 2003 - A1:7.)
  • Armenian Church of Surp Boğos (Saint Paul) - 2
    Image 80 of 157 Armenian Church of Surp Boğos (Saint Paul) in the Armenian Quarter of Tarsus, exterior, looking northwest toward the church’s south wall and the exterior faces of its apse and flanking chambers (19th Century?). (August 19, 2003 - B2:7.)
  • Armenian Church of Surp Boğos (Saint Paul) - 3
    Image 81 of 157 Armenian Church of Surp Boğos (Saint Paul), now the Aziz Pavlus Katolik Kilisesi, also Bebekli Kilisesi and Bakire Meryem Ana’nin, in the Armenian Quarter of Adana, exterior, looking south. (June 5, 2004 - B1:5.)
  • Armenian Church of Surp Boğos (Saint Paul) - 4
    Image 82 of 157 Armenian Church of Surp Boğos (Saint Paul), in the Armenian Quarter of Tarsus, interior, looking east toward its apse (19th Century?). (August 4, 2002 - A5:6.)
  • Armenian Church of Surp Boğos (Saint Paul) - 5
    Image 83 of 157 Armenian Church of Surp Boğos (Saint Paul), in the Armenian Quarter of Tarsus, interior vaults, looking east toward its apse, and up into its supporting arches and now-destroyed dome (19th Century?). (August 4, 2002 - A6:3.)
  • Armenian Church of Surb Astvatsatsin (Holy Virgin Mary)
    Image 84 of 157 Armenian Church of Surb Astvatsatsin (Holy Virgin Mary), now the KurtuluŞ Camii, in Aintap (Gaziantep), exterior, looking north toward the church’s dome and south facade (19th Century). (August 8, 2002 - A11:2.)