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- Emily Mason

Emily Mason
Associate Professor
Music | 559.278.8863 | Office: New Music Building Room 218
- Ph. D. Music Education, The Florida State University
- M.M. Vocal Performance, The Ohio State University
- B.M. Music Education, Capital University
- Additional Certifications and Training in Kodály (Levels I-III), Orff (Level I), and Dalcroze (10 week course)
Courses Taught
- Music 154 Music in the Elementary Classroom
- Music 153 Children's Music
- Music 102US University Singers
- Music 119 Vocal Techniques
- Music 179 Secondary Choral Techniques
- EHD 154B Seminar
- EHD 155A Initial Student Teaching
- EHD 155B Final Student Teaching
- Music 210 Graduate Studies
- Music 298 Graduate Thesis/Project
Dr. Emily Mason is an Associate Professor at California State University, Fresno, where she teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in music education. She holds degrees from Florida State University (Ph.D., Music Education), the Ohio State University (M.M., Vocal Performance) and Capital University (B.M., Music Education). An elementary general music specialist, Dr. Mason also has certification and training in several teaching pedagogies including the Kodály Method, Orff-Schulwerk Approach, and Dalcroze-Eurhythmics. Dr. Mason is a strong advocate for music in early childhood and early teaching experiences at the undergraduate level. Since starting at Fresno State she has established a teaching practicum for music education students at the Joyce M. Huggins Center. This practicum is the first of its kind at Fresno State and has allowed students (collegiate and pre-school) to benefit in multiple ways.
An active clinician and researcher, Dr. Mason has presented workshops and research at state and national conferences. Such presentations include the National Association for Music Education Conference (NAfME), The California All-State Music Education Conference (CASMEC), the New York State Schools of Music Association (NYSSMA), and the Tennessee Arts Academy, a week long intensive academy that includes participants from all over the United States. Dr. Mason has been published in Update: Applications of Research in Music Education, the Music Educators Journal, General Music Today, and the Choral Journal. In addition to her research and presentations, Dr. Mason has also presented numerous workshops for school districts throughout California and New York.
In combination with her teaching of music education courses, Dr. Mason has been a
voice teacher in the private studio and at the collegiate level, and is in demand
as a choral conductor. Dr. Mason directed the University Singers at Fresno State from
2017-2020 and has also conducted successful children’s choirs in several states, including
Illinois, Florida and New York. She has been a guest conductor and clinician for
numerous honor choirs and music festivals in California, New York and Florida, and
adjudicated festivals in Illinois and California.
When not in the classroom, Dr. Mason is also an advocate for life-long participation
in music having conducted an Intergenerational Choir which included collegiate students
from various majors and residents of a local assisted living center and numerous Children's
Choirs. She is also a member of the Fresno Community Chorus Master Chorale.
- Elementary General Music
- Music in Early Childhood
- Pre-Service Teachers understanding of commonly used teaching pedagogies including the Kodály Method, Orff-Schulwerk Approach, and Dalcroze-Eurhythmics
Mason, E. (2022). Reflective Practice and the Choral Director. Choral Journal, 63(1), 49-56.
Mason, E. (2019). Awaken Creativity Using Other Arts as Inspiration for Music-Making. Music Educators Journal, Vol.106 (2), p.10-14. DOI: 10.1177/0027432119874654
Mason, E. (2019). Reflective Practice and the Choral Director. Choral Journal, 59(11) 63-69.
Mason, E. (2014). Sing, play and create all in 20 minutes! General Music Today, 28(1), 3-7. Published online before print April 14, 2014, doi:10.1177/1048371314527291 General Music Today April 14, 2014 1048371314527291.
Mason, E. (2012). Using Kodály to promote literacy skills. Music Educators Journal, 99 28-31.
Mason, E. (2010). Multicultural music represented in current elementary music textbooks:
A comparative study of two published music series. Update: Applications and Research in Music Education 28(2) 29-41.
Refereed Papers at Conferences
Mason, E. Repertoire Choices of Preservice Teachers in an Elementary General Music Setting. Research paper presented at the National Association for Music Educators, Atlanta, Georgia, March 2016.
Mason, E. Preservice Teachers’ Perceptions of and Preference for Kodály or Orff Methodologies Used in Teaching Elementary General Music. Research paper presented at the Music Educator’s National Conference, Anaheim, California, March 2010.
Mason, E. Kodály or Orff: Preservice Teachers’ Perceptions Of and Preference for Two Different Teaching Methodologies Used in Elementary General Music. Research paper presented at the Organization of American Kodály Educators National Conference, Washington, D.C., March 2009.
VanWeelden, K. & Mason, E., Children’s Ability to Identify Female Models’ Register Placement by Timbre and Use of Vibrato. Research paper presented at the Music Educators National Conference, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, February 2008.
Mason, E. Multicultural Music Represented in Current Elementary Music Textbooks: A Comparative Study of Two Published Music Series. Research paper presented at the Music Educators National Conference, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, February 2008.
Mason, E. Multicultural Music Represented in Current Elementary Music Textbooks: A Comparative Study of Two Published Music Series. Research paper presented at the Organization of American Kodály Educators National Conference, Denver, Colorado, March 2008.
VanWeelden, K. & Mason, E., Children’s Ability to Identify Female Models’ Register Placement by Timbre and Use of Vibrato: A Pilot Study. Research paper presented at the Southern Division Music Educators Conference, Charleston, South Carolina, February 2007.
Mason, E. Gender Roles in Music Education: Perceptions of Elementary School Children. Research paper presented at the Southern Division Music Educators Conference, Charleston, South Carolina, February 2007.
Mason, E. Gender Roles in Music Education: Perceptions of Elementary School Children. Research paper presented at the Organization of American Kodály Educators National
Conference, Chicago, Illinois, March 2007.
Refereed Presentations at Conferences
Mason, E. Back to Basics: Singing Games and Dances for the Elementary Music Classroom presented at the CASMEC Conference to be held in Fresno, CA, February 2022. (State).
Mason, E. The ABC’s and 1,2,3’s of Music in the Pre-K Classroom: A Demonstration of Early Musical Experiences. Session presented at the CASMEC Conference held in Fresno, CA, February 2020.
Mason, E. Awaken the Creative Genius using Dance, Poetry, and Visual Art as Inspiration for Music Making. Session presented at the CASMEC Conference held in Fresno, CA, February 2019. (State).
Mason, E. & Giustino, J. Stimulate, Participate, and Motivate: Engaging all Students in the K- 6th grade 30-Minute Music Class. Session presented at the CASMEC Conference held in San Jose, CA, February 2018. (State).
Mason, E. New Routes to Creativity Through Movement, session presented at the CASMEC Conference held in San Jose, CA, February 2017.
Mason, E. & Giustino, J. Się śpiewać i grać ze mną (Come Sing and Play with Me): Songs from Italy, Poland, and the Ukraine, session presented at the NYSSMA 2016 Winter Conference held in Rochester, NY, December 2016.
Mason, E. Bridges and Corridors: New Routes to Creativity through Movement. A week-long course taught at the Tennessee Arts Academy held at Belmont University in Nashville, TN, July 10-15, 2016.
Mason, E. The Corridor to Integration: Taking the path to creativity in music, literature, poetry, and art. A mini-session taught at the Tennessee Arts Academy held at Belmont University in Nashville, TN, July 2016.
Mason, E. Sing, Play, and Create All in 20 Minutes, session presented at the NYSSMA 2012 Winter Conference held in Rochester, NY, December 2012.
Mason, E. The Three P’s to Music Literacy (Preparation, Presentation, and Practice). Presented at the New York State School Music Association Annual Conference, December 2010, Rochester, New York.
Mason, E. Songs of the Mother Tongue: Using Kodály Principles in the General Music Class. Presented at the New York State School Music Association Annual Conference, December 2010, Rochester, New York.
Shields, C. & Mason, E. Building Children’s Choirs in and Through Community. Session presented at the Illinois Music Educators Association Conference, Peoria,
Illinois, January 2005.
Invited Music Education Workshops
Mason, E. Let's Play! Two workshops to be presented for Rhythm & Moves, Inc. in Burlingame, Ca, August 2022.
Mason, E. Add Some Spark & Pizzazz to your Music Classroom with Orff! A three hour Workshop presented to the San Juan Unified School District, Sacramento,
CA, February 2020.
Mason, E. Elementary General Music for grades 3-5. Summer Enrichment classes in Music for the Hanford Elementary School District. A
two-week program for elementary school children held in Hanford, CA, June 2019.
Mason, E. Second Grade General Music. Demonstration Lesson for School Board Members of Hanford Elementary School District and surrounding districts. Held in Hanford, CA, March 2019.
Mason, E. Weaving Diversity in and through Music Education: Stories of Old and Present. Presented to the Music 260T Readings in Ethnomusicology Graduate Seminar at Fresno State in February 2019.
Mason, E. Ramp Up Your Elementary Music Lessons: Tips and Strategies for Engaging All Learners While Meeting Curricular Goals. A three-hour workshop presented to Clovis Unified School District Music Teachers, Clovis CA, October 2018.
Mason, E. Bringing the Performing Arts to Life in Every Classroom. Presented to students enrolled in the Visual & Performing Arts Seminar at Fresno State University, Fresno, CA, September 2018.
Mason, E. Singing Beyond the Music: Conducting & Student Motivation. Presented to Bakersfield City School District, Bakersfield, CA, July 2018.
Mason, E. Vocal Sirens & Lip Trills: Nonsense or Genius? Presented to Bakersfield City School District, Bakersfield, CA, July 2018.
Mason, E. Orff & Kodály 101: An Introductory Workshop (A Week-long Special Topics Course) Presented at California State University, Fresno, CA July 16-20, 2018.
Mason, E. Reflections & Goals. Presented to Fresno Unified School District Music Teachers, Fresno CA, May, 2018.
Mason, E. Engaging & Motivating Students in Music. Presented to Fresno Unified School District Music Teachers, Fresno CA, March 2018.
Mason, E. Engaging & Motivating Students in Music Literacy. Workshop presented to the Central California Music Fusion organization at Fresno State University, Fresno, CA, January 2018.
Mason, E. Haikus, and Soundscapes, and Music, Oh My! California Teaching Fellows Academy, Fresno State University, Fresno, CA, October 2017.
Mason, E. Assessment in the Music Classroom. Presented to Fresno Unified School District Music Teachers, Fresno CA, October 2017.
Mason, E. Feel the Rush of the New School Year. Two-Day Workshop presented to Fresno Unified School District Music Teachers, Fresno CA, August 2017.
Mason, E. I Like to Move It, Move It! Workshop presented to the Central California Music Fusion organization at Fresno State University, Fresno, CA, January 2017.
Mason, E. Integrating Music in the K-8 Classroom. Workshop will be presented for Sanger Public School Teachers at Fresno State University, Fresno, CA, October 2016.
Mason, E. Integrating Music in the Elementary Classroom. Workshop presented for the Build a Teacher Club at Fresno State University, Fresno,
CA, October 2015.
Mason, E. General Music Games, Songs, and Dances. Workshop presented for the Ithaca College Student Chapter of NAfME, Presented at
Ithaca College, April 2013.
Mason, E. Singing, Playing, and Dancing, Oh My! Workshop presented for the Ithaca College Student Chapter of NAfME, held at Ithaca
College, February 2012.
Mason, E. Creating and Composing with Your Favorite Children’s Books! A Workshop Created for the Partnership in Teaching Program at Ithaca College. Presented at Newfield Elementary School, Newfield, NY, February 2012.
Mason, E. Infusing Orff into the Choral Setting: What, How, and Why? Presented to the Twin Tiers Orff-Schulwerk Association, October 2010, Mansfield University, Mansfield, Pennsylvania.
Mason, E. Kodály in Choir? I Thought it was only for Elementary Music Classes! Presented to the Collegiate ACDA Chapter at Ithaca College, April 2010, Ithaca, NY.
Mason, E. Kodály in the Elementary and Secondary Music Class? Workshop for the Junior Vocal Student Teaching Seminar, Ithaca, New York, September 2009.
Mason, E. To Orff or Not To Orff. Workshop for the Junior Vocal Student Teaching Seminar, Ithaca, New York, October 2009. (Local)
Mason, E. Kodály and Orff Working Together in Harmony. In-Service Workshop for the Tompkins County School Music Teachers, Ithaca, New York, March 2009.
Mason, E. Kodály in My Music Class: What is it and How do I Implement it? Workshop for the Junior Vocal Student Teaching Seminar, Ithaca, New York, October 2008.
Mason, E. Making Music in Early Childhood: Play Party Games and Folk Songs that Will Get Your Students Singing! Workshop for the Ithaca College Collegiate Music Educators National Conference Chapter, Ithaca, New York, October 2008.
Mason, E. Using Kodály with Multi-cultural Music. Workshop for the Florida State Collegiate Music Educators National Conference Chapter, Tallahassee, Florida, March 2007.